Healing for Hanke and the Spencer Family
Everyone knows CC, Shanie and Lawson are always there to support everyone in need of help. Now they need help themselves for what has been an unbelievably hard 2020. We are trying to raise money for several emergencies that hit them all at once.
Shanie has had to have multiple surgeries throughout the last two years that has caused her not to be able to work. CC does the best he can to support Shanie and their young son Lawson who is in kindergarten. They have two rescue dogs, Hanke and Motown that complete their family.
Due to unforeseen circumstances things have become difficult with a number of set backs early this year. They were trying to catch up on expenses when the sewer line and sump pump backed up into their home. They had an emergency plumber service come out and determine that the sewer main backed up & they were advised it was clear. Within hours of the plumbers leaving, sewage water was back in the home ruining a lot of their personal items and causing a major mess. They had to go without water and it was a horrific situation. The plumbers returned and found a tree root was the cause of the problem and are still in the process of fixing it at this time. Meanwhile there has not been a restoration team out leaving CC and Shanie to try to clean up the mess all by themselves.
In the midst of that their beloved nine year old lap dog Hanke became ill. They rescued this big lap dog almost 3 years ago. He has been nothing short of amazing with their other rescue and their young son. He has been healthy and happy with no issues. They found out this week he may loose his tail. He wasn’t acting himself over last weekend. Hanke stopped eating like he usually does and then overnight, he could not get himself up to even go outside. Hanke was having trouble walking and keeping his legs under him. He was panting all the time and couldn’t seem to cool off. To their horror they noticed blood and drainage (to be polite) but couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. By the time they got to the vet Hanke had a 104.5 fever and it was determined that he would need to be sedated immediately to check his tail. They were given an estimate of $250.00 to treat Hanke.
After they shaved his tail, it looked awful, just swollen and raw in places. Upon further inspection they noticed the top of the tail down to about midway, was full of fluid, it was a super large abscess that was very infected, what we don’t know is how far did this infection go. The CBC came back super high so it was in his blood. They are praying it didn’t get into the spine or bones in the tail. The first vet bill alone was over $600 dollars compared to the $250 they were quoted. They took Hanke home to care for after the abscess was drained with instructions to come back Friday.
As of Friday it looks like Hanke will loose part of his tail if not all of it. Part is already dead tissue and the rest is still trying to rid the awful infection. They can’t do the amputation surgery until they can get the infection under control. The amputation alone may not be a complete fix. Further testing to see if this something that can be accomplished will need to be done. Either way Hanke cannot stay like this with ports draining from his body at home. Hanke will be going to have a second opinion this week. At the end of the day they will have to decide if Hanke is able to be saved or if they will have to make the awful decision for Hanke to go over the rainbow bridge. He is only 9 years old.
Please give whatever you can to help Shanie and CC recover from a rough 2020. All funds will go directly to Shanie and CC to cover damages from the flooding, catch up on bills and the treatment of Hanke. Updates will be posted weekly. Let's help one of our own get back on their feet.
Thanking you in advance.