We never imagined we would begin 2021 with our salons closed down again due
to COVID-19, but here we are. So many of our wonderful guests, friends and
family members have reached out asking how they can help us, and up until now we didn't have much of a reply besides asking them to come back to the salon
when we reopen.
Robert & I have thought long & hard about this and we have decided that the best way to help us is to actually help our team.
They have been through 3 shutdowns, working only 6 months in 2020 and now
have been out of work for 4 weeks with no "back to work" date in sight. Most
of our team members have depleted their savings and unfortunately now their
unemployment benefits are ceasing or are maxed out.
Our teams' income and sustainability is out of our hands but helping them is not
and many hands make light work so every bit counts.
With that being said, we would love to raise enough money to gift our team $500 each so they can use that to help buy groceries, pay bills, and just have a bit of
relief even for a moment. Our total goal is $25,000.
We will run this campaign for 4 weeks, ending on February 8th, 2021.
This money will not go to the salon at all and would be equally divided
amongst each team member.
If you are able to donate, please do so, if you can't donate, we would ask that you
share this page so others may have an opportunity to do so.
We thank you all in advance for helping us help our team.
Your generosity,
support and kindness fills our hearts and souls & we are forever grateful!
on behalf of A Robert Cromeans Salon Teams,
Robert & Mary