A Run For Meaning
I need your help in chasing purpose, redemption, and a dream. I have a shot at gaining a late entry into the Boston Marathon 2017. But to do so I will need all the help I can possibly get. I need to raise $5,000 for The Hopkinton Center For The Arts located in Hopkinton Ma. They are a wonderful organization that offers classes in the performing arts, visual arts, music and more to everyone from infants to seniors. They hold at least a half dozen events a year in their 200 seat auditorium. To learn more about this organization you can visit their website at Hopartcenter.org, all one word. They are also a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization. So for those of you wishing to make larger donations you can do so through their website, just indicate the donation is for my marathon fundraising campaign in the comment box at the bottom. Many would ask why should they help Me, a former convict, addict, and alcoholic? My answer to that would be because it is not about me. Yes, you would be helping me to live out a dream. But it's so much bigger than that! It's about spreading a message of hope to those who could use it most dearly. Its about showing others who are stuck on the paths I used to travel that there is a better way of living. That no matter how far down the well they have fallen there is still light at the top, the well has not been sealed and they have the power to climb out of that. Its about showing our children what dreams are made of, about showing them the possibilities are endless no matter what they come from and it is never too late, there is no such thing! This is about showing others that life is never so bad we should give up hope, or dreams, or happiness, and that we should never settle for the things that would make us less happy in life, or for the things that could ruin our lives. So you don't have to support me, but support the countless people, young or old, who might see what I'm doing and think "maybe I could do that too. Or maybe I still have a shot of chasing that other long forgotten dream I once had. Maybe life isn't so bad and I have the power to make it awesome!" please, I need your help. All I am is a muffled voice without you. Please help me send a message of strength, hope, and perseverance to those who could really use it!
For more on what got me started on all of this check out this story written by me and published by Runners World Magazine.
I also did a pod cast with Runners World. You can listen to it through this link.......
Or check out these other pieces my local tv, GCTV, ran on me