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A small act of kindness for the Hawker family

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Dear friends and family,
My loving cousin Brittany Hawker and her beautiful daughter Lily Hawker have endured a tragic unexpected and truly heartbreaking loss.
Adam Hawker was a generous fun loving soul. And was truly a beacon of light that shined brightly wherever he went. A true provider for his family, a friend that always had your back with unselfish support. Also a man who never failed to make you smile with his unforgettable frivolous personality. But more than anything he was an amazing Father to his daughter Lily, he endlessly gave her the world, by her side for every accomplishment. He believed in her, encouraged her, protected her, strengthened her, but most of all he loved her unconditionally. And with every passing day he will be with her for every milestone. Holding her close to his heart.
With the holidays around the corner we hope to give Lily a Christmas her Father could have given her. Small donations can make a big difference. Spreading the word and doing our best to ease the suffering her in world by bringing that lovely smile out onto her face and showering her with love to remind her, her Father is always with her, that day and every single day for the rest of her life. Due to this misfortune, their family is also facing hardships financially. Please consider offering donations if you can, anything helps. It would be a blessing to Lily and her Mother Brittany. Highly acknowledged by your support and profoundly grateful for your benevolence.


Angelica Myers
Buffalo, NY

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