A Troll's fight against Addiction
Tax deductible
Hello my name is Dan, and I'm a troll on X
Its only fair that I tell you the full true story. I have an addictive personality.
I'm not proud of it and will make steps to work on this behavior.
So I had an idea. I will continue to troll the bots/fake accounts/content creators. You will receive a good laugh at my antics and possibly donate to a good cause to help combat addiction.
I have to make stipulations though because this could get messy. I will not harrase, nor follow, nor promote these accounts. I ask you to do the same. Please simply enjoy the content by following me @Dstoolmaker. All proceeds go directly to charity,
Lets make this uphill battle for many a little less daunting by having a laugh.
Dan Stoolmaker
Linden, MI