Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

A Ukrainian refugee family settle in the Bay Area

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Hi, We are a group of volunteers in the San Francisco area helping a Ukrainian refugee family settle here in the US. Jeanette Quick, our fearless leader, has sponsored a family through the Uniting for Ukraine special humanitarian aid put in place by the US government. Jeanette has been instrumental in bringing the community together to help the Strohetsky family.

The Family lived in Dnipro. Their names are Nataliia (Mother), Polina (Daughter) and Mykhailo (Son). Unfortunately, their Father was recently killed in the war.

Nataliia has a degree in economics and worked in banking before the war. Polina was a student who studied foreign philosophy at the university, was a freelance graphic designer and is passionate about women's rights and LGBT+ rights. Mykhailo was studying metal sciences and loves mathematics and chess.

For now, Nataliia and Polina will be arriving in the US. Mykhailo may be able to join them at a later stage.

We hope to raise enough funds to help them settle in our beautiful city until they can find jobs. There has already been a tremendous outpouring of help with donations of time, the initial household needs, the first two months of housing and much more.
The funds will go towards all the basic needs when one moves to a new place, in their case, a move driven by war. Some specific items are: English classes, getting driver's licenses, a car, enrolling in college, basic household needs, clothing, everyday living expenses and much more.

If anyone has leads for permanent housing, then please contact us.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!


  • Anoniem
    • $250 
    • 1 yr
  • Jennifer Burlingame
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • William Kidd
    • $50 
    • 1 yr
  • Leanna Dawydiak
    • $500 
    • 1 yr
  • Mary Mike
    • $200 
    • 1 yr


Mads Lillelund
San Francisco, CA

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