A Vision for Benet’s Future
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As Benet Academy begins a new chapter of governance, we as the alumni and friends wish to support a vision of the school that is rooted in the words and actions of Jesus: welcoming the marginalized, healing the hurting, and serving those in need. Our awareness of the experiences and needs of the marginalized has grown over the last several years, and we wish to see Benet as a leader in meeting these needs through the following actions:
1. Expanding efforts to serve the needy in the community, including those without sufficient employment, food, or housing who are more likely to be people of color.
2. Focusing attention on the needs of LGBTQ individuals experiencing homelessness, most often forced out of their homes or running away due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.
3. Expanding supports and mental health resources for current students, particularly LGBTQ youth, who are almost 3 times more likely to seriously consider attempting suicide and almost 5 times more likely to attempt suicide.
4. Initializing educational opportunities for teachers, students and staff to better understand the experiences of historically marginalized groups, including LGBTQ individuals and people of color, in an effort to increase empathy and dismantle implicit bias, which so often leads to unequal student outcomes.
We honor and thank the many current students of the Benet community who have advocated for growth and stand ready to affect change. We ask that the Diversity Leadership Council receive 100% of these funds to use or redirect in a way that best honors our intentions and carry on Jesus’ command to “love one another as I have loved you.”
Alumni and Friends of Benet Academy
Alumni and Friends of Benet
Oak Park, IL
Benet Academy