Campus Ministry Internship
Hello there,
This coming fall, I have a rockin' opportunity to be a part time Campus Ministry Intern at Christ's Church at Virginia Tech! I'm really excited that God has opened this door! My main areas of focus will be outreach and discipleship.
In order to make this dream a reality, however, I need to raise 100% of my own support for the position - $6300 or $700 a month (August to May). The target goal of $6830 is to cover GoFundMe fees in the event that the total amount is received online. In order to properly devote time to the ministry, I've chosen to defer 6 credits to a summer or winter session to fullfill my credit hours at Virginia Tech. The money that I'll get from working at the ministry will help me be able to compensate for this additional expense!
I ask that you would join me in prayer for this opportunity, the campus ministry, and the Virginia Tech campus as a whole.
If God is leading you to help support my position finiancially, you can donate here or send checks(be sure to mention my name in the memo) to the address below.
Christ's Church at VT
P.O. Box 352
Blacksburg, VA 24063
CCVT is a tax 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so donations can be tax deductible . Be sure to get us your address (you can leave it in a private comment when you donate) if you want the deduction so CCVT can send you your statement in the spring.
Thank you so much for your prayer and consideration!
Your Brother in Christ,