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Helping out Michael Farley and family

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On Monday, June 9, my brother Mike severly broke his leg while hiking with his family.  The fine folks of Search and Rescue helped get him out of Adam's Canyon, but the adventure is just beginning.  The spiral fracture is so severe that he has to have surgery and will be out of work for several weeks.  

Mike is the bread-winner for a darling family of four girls.  On top of this most recent mishap, his wife Whitney has to have heart surgery.  It's been a rough year for this sweet family who we love, and we'd do anything to make it even a little bit better.  Maybe you can help too!  Please contribute if you can.  Thank you!


  • Rustin Jessen
    • $25
    • 10 yrs


Vanessa Hancey Farley
Layton, UT

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