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Medical Expenses for Rachelle

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My friend, Rachelle (32-years-old) just found out on June 3rd that she has Choroidal melonoma which is a pretty rare form of eye cancer. 4 in 1 million people get this. Luckily she caught it very early and with radiation treatment and the best doctors in Miami the outlook is very good. She starts her treatment July 8 when they will place a gold plate on her eye with the radiation in it. She will remain in the hospital until they remove it July 11th and should come home July 12th. Because of where the tumor is the doctors are hopeful that this will not effect her sight. 

Rachelle is not only an amazing mother to her 2 boys, but she's an amazing friend, and photographer (Thompson Photography Group).  She's a beautiful person inside and out! She has the best sense of humor, the biggest heart, and is incredibly giving. Rachelle would take the shirt off her back to help someone in need. Even now, faced with cancer, the fear of the cancer spreading or losing an eye -- she remains hopeful, with a positive attitude and is the first to tell an eye patch joke ;-) 

Rachelle and her amazing wife Cassidy are going to need all the help we can give them - whether it be financially or with your prayers. This  fundraiser will help  offset some of the costs involved with her treatments. Now is the time to offer what you can to this amazing person – every dollar counts & every prayer and positive thought.

Please share this with as many people as you can. Friends and family, do what you can to help. We know Rachelle would be too humble to ask directly for this much needed support, and we know she will be eternally grateful for all the care and generosity sent her way.

Thank you!

Je soutiens


  • Anonyme
    • 2 500 $
    • 11 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 1 000 $
    • 11 ans
  • Kirsten, Warren, McKenna and boys
    • 50 $
    • 11 ans
  • Toni Ann Clarke
    • 100 $
    • 11 ans
  • Betsy Vargas
    • 5 $
    • 11 ans
Je soutiens


Jamilah Newcomer
Wellington, FL

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