Urgent Need Diamond Headache Clinic
We have changed paths. It was really hard to keep up with the expense of the alternative treatments. Once I ran out of funds I had to stop the Hyperbaric Chamber sessions and my daily headaches have gone back up into the 5-6 range. Right now I have had a Status migrainosus which is a bad migraine headache lasting for more than 72 hours.
I am going to the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago. I have been waiting to get in and my mom got a call today. The clinic can see me on Wednesday but we have to pay the amount that isnt covered by insurance at the time of the appointment. The nurse told my mom that I will probably be there for the minimum of 5 days but it could be longer.
Plus we also have other expenses like gas and at least one hotel stay since the appointment is at 9:30am.
I hate to ask for donations, especially when I know I cant work or do any jobs for anyone right now but I really dont want to miss the chance to go here and become headache free. If you could donate even a small amount I would really appreciate your help. thank you so much for everything.