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Help me and my family

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It’s official to anyone who has joked or been serious about my last name. This Friday I have a testicular cancer procedure to be removed and need to have multiple surgeries in my stomach. anyone and everyone who has known me you can call me ball less now!!! I haven’t been able to actually work because of a work injury of course. Out of almost every doctor I went to in New York was scared or just plain in ignorant to my situation. Insurance that supposed to help you refused me for the past few years. I hate to be this person to ask but myself and my family could use the help!  I have a lot of life ahead of me but the system has failed way to many people. I want to come back stronger than ever!! If you know me you know I don’t play games when it comes to life and death. I believe in karma and I have a lot more people to try to help. Thank you if you decide to help. 


Cory Balus
Buffalo, NY

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