Klaus Hip Replacement: A bad Hip, a great boy
Klaus was adopted at 4 months, full of life and puppy smiles! He was as excited as any puppy could be, running circles around the house, taking big naps, and causing chaos everywhere he went.
Within a few weeks after taking him home, he began to limp. With him being a baby and all, I believed it to be from too much puppy playtime, but as time went on and his limping only getting worse, I decided to take him to our vet. On June 14th we received the heartbreaking news that Klaus, at 6 months had been diagnosed with severe Hip Dysplasia.
His left hip socket hasn't fully developed witch has led the leg to go astray and the ball of his joint to flatten. This means the bones are in contact with one another and rubbing causing severe pain to Klaus. He has been on medication to help relieve some of the pain but this is a temporary fix and can do damage to his liver if he is on it for long periods of time.
After finding out about Klaus' condition, I contacted the place where I had adopted him. They gave me the options of returning him and getting another dog of "equal value" or paying for a fraction, about 1/6th, of what the surgery will cost. I obviously went for the latter (I'm not heartless) but its still not enough to cover his medical expenses...
I could really use all and any help! I am raising money for my dog 's hip replacement. With Klaus being only 6 months old, he cannot actually receive the surgery until he is a year of age in December.
I want to give Klaus the best quality of life possible and getting this taken care of while he is young will give him the most comfort throughout his life. No dog should start off their life without a leg to stand on.