Please help this deserving family!!!
This angel is in urgent need of a wheelchair accessible van!!
I am desperately asking for your help for this DESERVING FAMILY!!!!!
Abbiegail is a full time elementary student and has monthly doctor visits roughly 3 hours from her home. Her parent's previous vehicle WAS NOT wheelchair accessible and is now irreparable. A family member has lended her mom a vehicle to get by for now L.
Abbie is a precious 7 year old little girl. She was diagnosed with a rare brain disorder called Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy at 6 months of age. Her disease attacks the portion of the brain that controls Abbie's hearing, speech, balance, ability to swallow.
She is 100% dependent upon her family for care. Being unable to walk, Abbie is permanently bound to her wheelchair for mobility.
Having a child with a chronic disability also brings many struggles for parents. Managing medical equipment, changing diapers, lifting Abbie several times a day to be put in and out of her wheelchair can become quite laborious when managed by one person alone. Abbie's mother, Danielle, is her sole caretaker throughout the day.
After several years of lifting Abbie, it has begun to take a toll on her mom's body. By not having a wheelchair accessible van it makes traveling ANY distance very difficult.
Currently, Abbie's mom and dad lift her in and out of her car seat into their small vehicle, then lift her wheelchair in and out as well. This is a constant struggle for both of them, and the future will only become more difficult as Abbie continues to grow, because as she grows, so does her medical equipment.
At 7 years old Abbie weighs 65 pounds and is 4 feet tall. A wheelchair van would be life-changing for her family. This would allow them to take Abbie any place; she deserves to go places like a normal child!!!
Right now, Abbie's parents often avoid going places because of all the lifting involved. Breaking down her 61 pound wheelchair and loading it and Abbie in and out of a car seat often makes errands more tedious than normal. Abbie has currently gone without a vehicle for one week now from (4/1/2014.) Having no vehicle to transport Abbiegail in is so heartbreaking for this family!! There is no way they can financially afford the accessible van this angel so desperately needs to go everywhere she deserves to go!!! Please take time out of your day to bless this precious family if you are able. Thank you so much and God Bless!!!!"Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me."
Psalm 63:7-8
Direct Line [phone redacted]
P.O. Box 3631 Auburn, Al 36831