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Abdel-Aziz Negm

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My name is Tanya & I'm trying to raise funds for my mate/sister Martini Neri, in order for her to arrange a proper funeral for her recently deceased defacto husband of over 30 yrs, Abdel. The poor woman has been left almost financially crippled by her husband & the debts he accumulated are piling up. He was a gambler. Martini has worked hard all her life. Abdel had acquired several severe injuries in a random attack,as a young man, which kept him on a disability pension, but after his passing, Martini has told me of how they lived together. Abdel kept all of his pension every fortnight, including rent assistance. He did not contribute to the weekly rent of $400, gas, electricity, food or petrol for the car Martini bought him. His pension was for the pokies & as Martini was to discover, so was all the cash she gave him weekly for rent & bills etc. He had accessed his super early in the relationship but did not tell Martini. He was a bad gambler & someone you knew who would be highly unlikely to have life insurance or funeral cover. He didn't have either & after his sudden passing, Martini has not only been left with a ton of unpaid bills, she also now has to try & find the funds for a costly funeral. And in a very short time. After ringing around, she has found that the cheapest way to do this is to have a straight burial with no service, celebrant, flowers or guests. Abdel is of Muslim faith. Martini is not but with the circumstances as they are, Martini is seriously considering cremation-an absolutely forbidden practice for ANY Muslim, alive OR dead. Friends can only help so much & neither Abdel NOR Martini have any surviving relatives to pitch in, so I put this idea to her & she agreed. Any donations to this cause will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks from the 3 of us
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Tanya Hasler
Doveton, VIC

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