Abel Granados, siempre te recordaremos
Donation protected
Queridos amigos y familiares, con el corazón roto nos gustaría pedir su ayuda para darle a nuestro querido Abel Granados el adiós que se merece. Abel fue el mejor esposo, padre, abuelo, hermano, hijo, y tío que cualquiera hubiera querido tener. Desafortunadamente, el jueves por la mañana fue llamado a la presencia del señor perdiendo su batalla contra el cancer. Abel hasta el último momento se mantuvo siendo optimista y positivo que todo va estar bien. Quisiéramos que lo recordaran siempre con su bella sonrisa. Sus donaciones serán altamente agradecidas.
Salmo 23:1-6 El señor es mi pastor, nada me falta; en verdes pastos me hace descansar. Junto a tranquilas aguas me conduce; me infunde nuevas fuerzas. Me guía por sendas de justicia por amor a su nombre. Aun si voy por valles tenebrosos, no temo peligro alguno porque tú estás a mi lado; tu vara de pastor me reconforta. Dispones ante mí un banquete en presencia de mis enemigos. Has ungido con perfume mi cabeza; has llenado mi copa a rebosar. La bondad y el amor me seguirán todos los días de mi vida; y en la casa del SEÑOR habitaré para siempre.
Dear friends and family, it is with a broken heart that we would like to ask for your help in giving our beloved Abel Granados the goodbye he deserves. Abel was the best husband, father, grandfather, brother, son, and uncle anyone could have wanted. Unfortunately, on Thursday morning he was called into the presence of the Lord, losing his battle with cancer. Until the last moment, Abel remained optimistic and positive that everything will be fine. We would like you to always remember him with his beautiful smile. Your donations will be highly appreciated.
Psalm 23:1-6 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing; in green pastures he makes me rest. Next to calm waters he leads me; gives me new strength. He guides me through paths of justice for the love of his name. Even if I go through dark valleys, I fear no danger because you are by my side; your shepherd's rod comforts me. You set before me a banquet in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed my head with perfume; You have filled my cup to overflowing. Goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life; and in the house of the LORD I will dwell forever.
Salmo 23:1-6 El señor es mi pastor, nada me falta; en verdes pastos me hace descansar. Junto a tranquilas aguas me conduce; me infunde nuevas fuerzas. Me guía por sendas de justicia por amor a su nombre. Aun si voy por valles tenebrosos, no temo peligro alguno porque tú estás a mi lado; tu vara de pastor me reconforta. Dispones ante mí un banquete en presencia de mis enemigos. Has ungido con perfume mi cabeza; has llenado mi copa a rebosar. La bondad y el amor me seguirán todos los días de mi vida; y en la casa del SEÑOR habitaré para siempre.
Dear friends and family, it is with a broken heart that we would like to ask for your help in giving our beloved Abel Granados the goodbye he deserves. Abel was the best husband, father, grandfather, brother, son, and uncle anyone could have wanted. Unfortunately, on Thursday morning he was called into the presence of the Lord, losing his battle with cancer. Until the last moment, Abel remained optimistic and positive that everything will be fine. We would like you to always remember him with his beautiful smile. Your donations will be highly appreciated.
Psalm 23:1-6 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing; in green pastures he makes me rest. Next to calm waters he leads me; gives me new strength. He guides me through paths of justice for the love of his name. Even if I go through dark valleys, I fear no danger because you are by my side; your shepherd's rod comforts me. You set before me a banquet in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed my head with perfume; You have filled my cup to overflowing. Goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life; and in the house of the LORD I will dwell forever.
Organizer and beneficiary
Karen Yanez
Homestead, FL
Maria Granados