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Abigail's Medical Fund

Donación protegida
On Wednesday, September 28, 2016, at 9:52PM, Abby left the University Of Minnesota campus, headed home, when two men assaulted, robbed, and shot her in the back, in her North Minneapolis neighborhood. Abby's iphone was taken in the robbery, but she fought one of the men in order to prevent them from taking her backpack which contained her school books. While she was defending herself the other man shot her in the back. By the grace of God the gun jammed twice and only one bullet discharged landing in her back. Unconscious, she was rushed to North Memorial where they were able to stabilize her at 12:47AM. She was not able to walk or talk. This hospital practiced racial stereotyping and biases in their care and attempted to discharge Abby in less than 24hours of being shot on grounds of her being medically stable. Her family demanded that she received care and she was allowed to stay for only one more night. Her pain management was not taken seriously by staff and she was neglected. While alone and vulnerable, several doctors and nurses verbally abused Abby in attempts to coerce and intimate her into agreeing to be discharged from NM. Her diagnosis consists of; fractured 12th rib with a retained bullet. Closed fracture of the Spinous Process Lumbar 1 Vertebra . Gunshot wound to the abdomen without complications to organs but with subsequent encounters to the left lung and kidney with inflammation and bruising caused by the bullet fragments. From the expertise of Methodist Hospital, it has been determined that the bullet has moved from her left rib to her right hip and is near her right kidney. She is awaiting surgery to remove the bullet so that she may begin to heal. Please give what you can as Abby has a long recovery ahead of her. She is a Senior at the U of MN and is determined to return to school and graduate in December. She will not allow these men to rob her of her education during her final semester. The money will be used for medical expenses and hospital fees. We are very thankful to have her still with us. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please continue to pray for our family in this difficult time, and share this link. God has blessed us and we are forever grateful.


  • Anónimo
    • $25
    • 8 yrs


Ab Ster
Minneapolis, MN

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