Abortion Access Pagan Music Project
Donation protected
We are thrilled that we have reached our goal of raising $12,000! The support of our generous donors will make The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights a reality!
We are 19 bands who are using our music to raise money and awareness for abortion access in the United States. We are passionate about reproductive rights for everyone.
Last summer, several of the bands who are contributors to The Red Album were performing at a gathering of pagans, where we were in the musical lineup. We heard about the overturning of Roe v. Wade. We were outraged. We decided to turn our outrage into music.
We are pagans; our spiritual path encompasses one or more of the earth based and/or multi-theistic practices. We are musicians; we express our insights and desires through music. We sent out the call to other pagan musicians and gathered a fierce and talented crew. We began writing songs. Some tell the stories of women's lives. Others are a call to action to regain abortion rights. Yet others glorify the power of the Goddess and ask her to help us in this struggle.
The bands who are contributing a song to the project are:
S. J. Tucker * Spiral Rhythm * Celia Farran * Alexian * Spellsinger * Ginger Ackley
Alexander James Adams * Crow Women * Mr. E * Richard Anthony Williamson
Brian Henke * Primal Rhythm * Meren King * Louis Garou * Kira Lang
Mama Gina * Sydney Michael * Krista Chapman Green * Pan Fried
We have met our goal of $12,000, in just one short month. Wow! We have all the funds needed for the engineering and physical production of the music album. Thank you, donors; you made that possible. We couldn’t have done this without you.
Still interested in supporting this project? Great! You still can!
We continue to gather funds to use toward publicity and promotion. People need to hear about The Red Album so they can buy it and we can raise lots of money for the organizations we are supporting with our music.
There are 3 choices for donating after April 7th.
1. Sponsor a song
You can sponsor one of the songs for a donation of $75 or more. Sponsorships are being snapped up each day, so the best way to find out which songs could still use a sponsor is to go to our webpage; https://pagansong.com/the-red-album and use the “Contact Us” menu to get in touch with us. Song sponsorships must be arranged by April 30th.
2. Buy the music
Beginning the first week of May, you will be able to support this project by pre-ordering a digital download of the album for $15 (or as much as you care to donate). That's at theredalbum.bandcamp.com. We’ll make an announcement here as soon as we’re ready to begin those presales. All money from presales will go to our beneficiaries. We have two.
• Elevated Access is a grassroots organization of small plane pilots who provide airplane rides to women who must travel to access abortion
• The National Abortion Federation supports abortion clinics, runs a national hotline, and collects data about violence against abortion providers, among many, many initiatives.
3. Donate right here on gofundme
This gofundme will remain open, though. You can still donate here toward our publicity and promotion costs. Your donation will go into our bank account, which is hosted by Ardantane Pagan Learning Center, which has graciously allowed us under their nonprofit umbrella.
The Red Album is coming!
The Red Album will be released on June 24, 2023, one year after the SCOTUS decision. All of the money from the sale of the music will go to our beneficiaries. We are doing this together, with the support of all of our donors and sponsors.
If we raise more money than is needed to fully fund the project, then any extra funds will be sent to our beneficiaries later this year.
Thank you for helping us to make our musical dreams a reality!
Red Album
Durango, CO