Above & Beyond Cancer Foundation (NDYT)
I'm fundraising for Above and Beyond Cancer Foundation. Last year I was diagnosed with two different cancers, both (so far) successfully treated. A&B have provided support and rehab helping me regain fitness.
I'm setting off on a long canal/river boat trip end of May / early June which is why I need to be fit! I've done long solo boat trips before but this time I'm taking a friend along. Gareth is half my age but unfortunately much sicker. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer five years ago and not expected to last this long. Thanks to the NHS and a bucket load of drugs every day he's still here and looking forward to the trip.
Like an ageing rock band hitting the road for one more time we're calling it the Not Dead Yet Tour. You can follow our progress here: https://pthane.weebly.com The full round trip is more than 700 miles and more than 400 locks, most of them manually operated. We reckon at least two months, probably more with some R&R days!
More information about Above & Beyond Cancer Foundation: We offer 1:1 personal support for cancer patients and their loved ones, as well as offering holistic and complementary treatments to help reduce the side effects of a cancer diagnosis.
A&BCF support patients in Beds and Cambs, if you'd rather give to a nationwide charity, there's a link on my blog A&BCF page to Macmillan. They've been brilliant too.
Phil Thane
Above & Beyond Cancer Foundation