Regina German Club AC Replacement Funds
Donation protected
My name is Andrea MacLeod, and I am a member of the Board of Directors at the Regina German Club.
On June 6th, 2024, thieves tore apart and gutted our recently acquired and new to us A/C unit, this has been devastating to us.
It took several months of research and saving funds to replace the unit. Personal time and resources were donated by one of our board members to acquire the unit from La Ronge.
This theft was a blow to the Club, its Board, staff and members, however, thanks to the generous support of the community and Regina Plumbing and Heating, we will be receiving a new unit.
After consulting with them, we have learned that we will be requiring additional ducting and sheet metal work, which we did not anticipate. As such, we have set up this fundraiser to help cover the costs of that work.
You can donate in the following ways:
- Use the GoFundMe platform.
- Drop off donations at the club in person. We are open Tuesday to Friday from 11:30 am to 6 pm.
- E-transfer to info at reginagermanclub dot ca, noting your name and the purpose of the transfer.
Any donations are helpful and greatly appreciated.
Additional ways to support the German Club:
- Come for lunch or supper, or order take-out.
- Come to one of our events - the next one is the Summer Solstice celebration on June 22 at 3:00 pm.
- Share this fundraiser wherever possible.
- Follow us on social media and engage with our posts.
We deeply appreciate the overwhelming support from our German Club family and the Regina community.
Original statement regarding the theft from our President:
It is with the utmost frustration that we have decided to share this disheartening news with our membership.
Last Fall, our old A/C unit gave its last breath of cool air. Knowing that having A/C is a desired convenience for our Summer Banquet business, we began the difficult task of searching for a suitable and affordable replacement.
After several months of research, locating, and saving funds to replace the unit...we had finally secured what we needed. We had a generous Board Member donate 2 days of his time along with the use of his vehicle to travel to La Ronge, SK., load up, and deliver our unit back to its new home.
This welcomed unit was delivered yesterday afternoon with plans to have it lifted to our rooftop right away.
Unfortunately, in a matter of a few evening hours, our wonderful neighbourhood scavengers decided to completely tear it apart and gut the entire unit, for what we can assume is to be cashed in for their own personal pleasure.
Learning of this extremely disheartening news this morning has proven to be devastating for our Club and for our neighborhood, as a whole.
We are once again, left to our own devices, to come up with the time and resources to replace a piece of our property due to the inconsiderate actions of our City's finest!
Yes, we have searched our Security footage for useful evidence. Yes, we have filed a Police Report. Yes, we are looking into our Insurance. No, we do not believe that we will receive any justice.
Time and time again, the law-abiding citizens get the short end of the stick.
Andrea MacLeod
Regina, SK