Recovery Funds for 10 Victims of House Explosion
Donation protected
This GoFundme was created after consultation with Deng DeAtemTiordit, Chairperson of Twic East Community Association of Canada, the South Sudanese Community where the 10 victims of the house explosion are from. Gar Gar is only helping create this go fund in supporting the community to rally in finding help (Twic East Community Association of Canada is in charge of the funds.
These funds will be distributed to those 10 victims of this house explosion to help them buy basic needs. Those house explosion victims are:
1) John Panyang Nyuon
2) Machar Ader Machar
3) Daniel Akon
4 Manyuon Dau Atem
5) Akoy Malu Atem
6) Bol Chol Agot
7) Garang Deng Mabior Ngueny
8) Maduk Dhieu Kachuol
9) Muorateer But
10) Angelo Mayen Mabor
These funds will be delivered to the 10 mentioned victims above in cash with the presence of Gar Gar, Deng Deng Tiordit (The Chairman of Twic Community Association of Canada) and witnesses. As well as those benefucireirs will be asked to sign a statement indicating they have received the fund.
We hope that you can join us with your generosity and kindness to help fundraise funds toward the recovery and help for the 10 victims of the Marlborough house explosion.
According to family, friends, and community leaders, six of the 10 had life-threatening injuries and four were seriously hurt. Some of the funds will be assigned to recovery to those that are still in critical condition.
The suspected cause was a gas leak, however, it is still under investigation under our Calgary Fire department.
Other funds will go toward recovery and accommodations to help those that will be discharged get necessities such as a place to rent and cloth to wear.
The 10 victims of this fire are in hospital and may have lost everything they have in the house explosion.
One of the 10 victims came from Brooks to bring his son to the hospital for surgery, & now him and his son lying in a hospital.
Another victim who used to live in Fort MacMurray lost his job and came back to Calgary with the hope to find a job and help to find a home.
One thing for sure is that in minutes those 10 victims of this house explosion lives changed. While they are in the hospital in different conditions, they have lost everything. The funds will be given to them following their release from hospital.
I hope you can help us to let them know that our Calgary has got their back through your support to have them get back up again on their feet.
For more details call:
Deng DeAtemTiordit: Chairman of Twic East Community Association of Canada (403) [phone redacted]
Atem Biar: Finance of Twic East Community Association of Canada( 778) [phone redacted]
Gar Gar: Community & South Sudanese Youth Advocate (403) [phone redacted]
Calgary, AB