Achieving Community Together. A Dream Burned Down!
Hi I am Lenora J. Henry Burnett
Our building, The Historic
Richland Piano Co,
was burned down due to riot/arson during the GeorgeFloyd protest in
Downtown Kalamazoo, MI. We
were renovating when
this devastation occurred.
Our building is a total
loss. We have to tear it down and
need $35,000 for the demolition.
We have 3 weeks to
accomplish this fate. There was no
insurance. Our hearts are broken.
This building was to become a
place where people could come
together from all walks of life. It
didn't matter about race.
Below was the vision for the
Overflow homeless Shelter
Daycare to assist the homeless
Laundry facility and pantry
Prison reentry program
Consignment Shop/Thrift store
Incubator: Small businesses,
Classrooms/conference rooms
Juice /Smoothie bar,
Urban Gardening: Exercise room
Computer room
I have given back to our community by serving on several boards and
being involved with Non- Profits in
the Kalamazoo County through out my life.
Justice House, Head Start Policy
Council, Kalamazoo County
Government Community Action
Agency, The American Red Cross,
Northside Association for
Community Development ,
Northside Achievers, North Side
Preparatory School Board, Housing Resources Inc and
currently Action In The Neighbor-
hood, The Ada St. Corridor project.
We are committed to our neighborhood. But most of all, we are
committed to our Kalamazoo
community. I love Kalamazoo,
We are Kalamazoostrong!
Please consider donating to our
cause. These are hard times, any
amount would put us closer to our
Thank you for considering donating to our Cause.
To avoid fees.
Cash app $LJwilliams1
Again Thank you....