SHAME on Polk County Sheriff’s Office
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My name is Bonnie Patterson-Jones and I’m an activist in central FL residing in Polk County. I am the founder of the Facebook group Lakeland’s Inclusive and Diverse Voice and began hosting reproductive rights rallies in 2019. I also volunteer as a clinic escort and clinic defender. I’m a member of numerous reproductive rights and equality organizations. I’m also a duel registered cardiac sonographer on corporate disability since 2013. I have several autoimmune issues including Lupus. My favorite job is watching my grandson while my daughter works.
On May 16th, a faith based clinic was having a celebration and awarding Jennifer Canady, district 50 FL representative that introduced and co-sponsored many horrible bills including HB7/SB300-THE MOST EXTREME ABORTION BAN IN THE NATION! She also sponsored the $25 MILLION bill for fake clinics without any annual reporting, audit nor oversight. Her husband is a judge on the FL Supreme Court and they are right christo-nationalists and GOP extremists.
During the ceremony, myself and other Pro-Choice protesters heckled, chanted and made so much noise they didn’t get 30 seconds of silence! Some were on ladders, myself included. At the end of the ceremony, two protesters tossed clean, white, cotton granny panties over the fence towards the feet of Representative Jennifer Canady. ONE of the TWO pair I tossed weren’t received well by a Polk County Sheriffs Office deputy. The first pair I tossed landed in the bushes because it was such a light toss. The second pair landed in between Rep. Canady and Captain Underpants…Billy Strickland. Remember, this is a size 9-11, clean, white, cotton panties with messages written in marker and rolled up with a reproductive rights sticker and weighing approximately 1.7 ounces!
After the successful toss landing at Representative Canady’s feet, I shouted “Hey Jenny! Gotcha!” Meaning I delivered you a “pantygram” in person. Pantygrams started in Tallahassee and have become my calling card during the trans bathroom bill. I will explain the “why panties?” in a moment.
After the successful land of the CLEAN, COTTON, GRANNY PANTIES, Captain Strickland shouted a warning about battery on a law enforcement because he claimed the panties bounced and hit him on the leg! I told him he was lying. He issued a warning to me, closing with “Deal?” and I gave him a thumbs up sign (all captured in a phone recording). No additional panties were thrown after the warning was issued!
I climbed off the ladder and we began cleaning up from the protest. We felt it was a successful protest UNTIL Captain Underpants and Detective Jennifer Davis arrived at the women’s clinic to ARREST me for 3rd DEGREE FELONY BATTERY ON A LEO!! I complied with his warning and now I was being arrested after I complied! Unthinkable! This must be a joke! He was harassing me and lying about the magical, invisible panties that have now hit him in the right upper leg!! I was taught not to back down from a bully and the truth so I didn’t!!
Less than 48 hours later, I was pulled over by an unmarked car and two plainclothes detectives for failure to merge with a turn signal. My daughter was less than 24 hours post-op and my grandson had a dental appointment which is why I was driving on May 18th. These cops were Detective Jacob Moore and Detective Delgado and both work out of Captain Underpants SW District. SHAME ON THEM!! They handcuffed me in front of my love ones and my grandson was crying hysterically for his YaYa. I was pulled over approximately 9:45 for an UNJUST and POLITICALLY MOTIVATED arrest!
I was taken in cuffs to the Winter Haven station to be processed and it was a nightmare to say the least. As a white, 55 year old bisexual female, arrested unjustly, my mouth landed me in isolation for almost 2 hours and once processed, I sat in the cage “to get myself together”. I cannot imagine what my black, brown and trans sisters who haven’t committed a crime go through in the same situation.
I’ve been accepted by an amazing, female attorney. I need to raise $5K quickly to pay for my criminal defense fund. The first criminal defense attorney advised me to be safe and fighting back in “Grady Town” has put a target on my back.
I will not be silenced! I will not backdown from a bully even if the bully is a liar with a badge. A sincere thank you for taking the time to read, share and donate to my criminal defense fund. I appreciate you!
Captain Strickland After The ProtestHate will not win!


Bonnie Patterson-James
Lakeland, FL