Help ACW Interns to Change the World!
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Art to Change the World is a global social justice arts organization. We believe art can – well - change the world! Each Summer, a new group of interns are welcomed and are given the opportunity to design, fundraise, manage and implement their own social justice art project. Topics: Trauma recovery, wellness, environmental sustainability, gender equity
$1,000.00 per intern project. $6,000.00.
Click Below at Read More to learn about the projects.
Check out past ACW events and projects: Link
We have over 400 members. Only 200 are artists. You could also join us and support our good work! Link
Briauna Williams
Art and Chill-
Are you feeling sad, unmotivated, secluded, or uninspired in your everyday life? Possibly from stress, anxiety, or grief. Come celebrate life in a safe space that promotes healing using art, music, and more!
A Sunday of Art making. To Heal & Chill. Under one roof - multiple artists sharing their gifts in multiple small workshops, all participants leaving with handmade art. Live music, spoken word, and vendors who promote wellness for the mind, body, and soul. Let us all come together and heal one another with the power of art!
Rose Cooper
How Has Autism Changed Your World?
Did you know that an estimated 1 in 100 children worldwide is born with autism? To reduce the stigma of neurodivergent individuals, we must work together to educate ourselves and one another on the condition. As someone who has two siblings with special needs, I've seen firsthand the heartbreaking discrimination and mistreatment that they have faced in their lives.
Artists who participate in this gallery exhibition are tasked with creating a piece of any medium they choose as long as it addresses the given prompt: How has autism changed your world? Both neurodivergent and neurotypical artists are encouraged to apply and draw on their personal experiences with autism.
The purpose of this gallery exhibition is to bring everyone together, whether they are neurotypical or neurodivergent so that we can not only appreciate our differences but also learn and grow together from them.
Collin Nelson
Flora and Fauna Gallery- Learn more about the food that grows around us and how you can use edible native plants in your landscaping, garden, or kitchen. A gallery exhibition with art featuring local flora and fauna, alongside a demonstration on identifying, planting, or preparing local foods. To encourage the creation and transformation of green spaces and food independence in cities and suburbs, while supporting local pollinators and wildlife.
Paint to Process –
TL:DR Virtual meetings via Discord to paint and talk about childhood trauma.
Were you or a loved one the victim of a traumatic childhood experience? You may be entitled to emotional compensation. As someone who's survived childhood abuse myself, I know how difficult it is to overcome in your life. Seems like happy childhoods are the standard. Who hasn't heard the often nostalgically sighed comment about wanting to be a kid again? I sure don't wanna be a kid again but I'm sure you know that many people aren't comfortable with that conversation.
My project is a little art health day once a week. Participants will receive a FREE art care package (paid for through your donations). Using these supplies together, we can finally express ourselves and feel seen. Plus, that art we make can help others feel seen too, isn't that a nice bonus?
Let's take some time to care for our kid-selves and help raise awareness about the issues we've faced. We can't make a better world until we face the world we're in with kindness and understanding to those who need it.
Lauren Edson
Short Film Showcase
What is beauty? Where do you find beauty in your life? How are some of the most simple things the most beautiful? These questions and more will all be explored during the Short Film Showcase. Up to 8 teams of local, young artists will have a week to create a film based on the theme of “Beauty in the Mundane”, which will then be screened for the general public at the end of the week. The showcase will be held in the Spring of 2023, so keep an eye out for more information to come!
Short Works Festival
Come celebrate and learn about the beauty of neurodivergence with the second annual ACW Short Works Festival. This festival will feature a diverse cast of local, neurodiverse artists from various disciplines, all creating art based on the theme of neurodivergence. The festival is scheduled for late Spring of 2023, so keep an eye out for artist applications and more information to come!
Frances Bates
The Art of Drag
Want to enjoy a fun night of music, performance, and a little bit of comedy? Attend a drag show. Drag shows are about entertaining you of course, but this show will have a twist to it. We also want to teach you about how deep social justice runs in the history of the art of drag. From outfits to dance moves to makeup, they all have a story to tell. Inclusivity is a top priority so you will get to see a diverse group of drag performers. In addition, our show will also be wheelchair accessible and have interpreters available for those who require it. We will also be selling custom-made stickers and pins at the show to raise money for Art to Change the World. Come ready to learn, dance, and have a good time!
Art To Change The World
Minneapolis, MN
Art To Change The World, Inc.