Adam Driver Cat aka Kylo Ren Medical Expenses
My name is Emily and a little over 5 years ago I adopted Kylo Ren also known as "Adam Driver cat" for his striking resemblance to a certain Star Wars actor. Recently Kylo was diagnosed with kidney disease and a heart murmur. As a result he needs to get his kidney functions tested every 6 months, which costs between $400 and $600 per appointment. I currently owe the vet $185 from his last appointment and he needs to go back in to have his blood pressure tested and so I can learn how to inject him with subcutaneous fluids at home in order to hopefully keep his kidneys from getting worse and also make him feel better. He is also on a special kidney diet which costs more than regular cat food. I'm a single mom and don't have a lot of extra cash so I'm asking for help to start a veterinary fund for these expenses and future expenses that may arise relating to his medical care. This cat is extremely special and perhaps most importantly, he's my 9-year-old son's best friend, so it's very important that we keep him around as long as possible. Any help would mean the world to me and my little family of me, kiddo and cat.