Adam Richard Johnson Funeral Expenses
Adam Richard Johnson was tragically murdered and his body parts were scattered around Northeast Minneapolis. Adding to this tragic situation is the fact that his family does not have the resources to provide for a decent funeral and burial. Adam leaves behind many family members and most especially two small children. Anyone who has been in this situation knows that every little bit helps. Anything you can do is greatly appreciated!
I am Bob Bronson, Adam is my sister's grandson. As a prior Lutheran pastor I have much experience dealing with funerals. Adam's mother and grandmother have put me in charge of handling all communication, dealing with funeral and burial issues. They have authorized me to manage this money. This money will be used first to pay for all funeral and burial expenses, and any money left over will be put in trust for Adam's two small children for their future needs.
We are so thankful for all the generous giving by so many wonderful people!