Addicts And Those Who Love Them exhibition
Behind every addict is someone traumatised by loving them.
I am not an addict, but I know how it feels to love one. "Addicts And Those Who Love Them" is an exhibition of portraits and words asking, How are you? What is happening? What do you want to say? How is it really for you?
My name is Antonia Rolls, I am an artist living and working in Bognor Regis on the South Coast of the UK. Primarily a portrait painter, I use my creativity to look at difficult subjects. In this exhibition I look at the deeply distressing, powerful and all consuming subject of Addiction. (My previous project covered the end of life, see the A Graceful Death exhibition)
It is so hard to describe addiction. So many of us feel alone and unsupported because addiction creates, in both user and those involved, isolation, guilt, shame, co dependency, deceit, cover ups, loss of hope. It also creates a powerful respect for life, love and the self when an addict finds a way through - an addict who is trying to live clean and sober is worthy of great respect.
This is the second Go Fund Me page for this exhibition, we could not go ahead last year due to the restrictions, and we are really delighted that this year, we are able to go ahead.
This exhibition is about sharing, telling our stories, being together and understanding just a fraction of what we all experience with addictions. It aims to bring together all of us, shining a light on this common experience, creating understanding and recognition. I am creating painting and portrait work, and my dear friend Michael McAlister is showing a series of photographic work called "Small Signs". Michael has experienced addictions for many years, and is now recovered. He has created this insider record of the small signs that describe his journey into drink and drugs.
I do not charge for any of the work I do. I am asking for contributions to help with the costs of creating and hosting this exhibition as part of the Brighton Fringe in June this year. It costs me to paint, to pay for the exhibition space, to deal with the administration costs of setting up an exhibition and to advertise it, and to travel to and from interviews and sittings with people who take part in it. Anything you can contribute will be so gratefully received, and put instantly to good use. As part of this work on addiction, I am creating a small Serenity Garden for a local relapse prevention group and if there is anything left over from the exhibition costs, it will go towards this garden.
So many thanks to you, I am grateful for your support. The exhibition details are below, and please come and make yourself known to us. You are most heartily welcome.
WHEN - Monday 7 June opening night, 6pm. Running 8 to 13 June 12 midday to 8pm.
WHERE - The Fishing Quarter Gallery, 21 Kings Road Arches, Brighton BN1 1NB
Read more about observing addiction here
Thank you! See you in June.