After Life Expenses for Rose Decker
Rose Lynn Decker, a beautiful mother and wife of 54 years, passed away Saturday March 23, 2020 of an unexpected heart attack. Rose was a strong women, for those that had an opportunity to be blessed to know her. Her heart was too big for this world, as many friends and family would find out. If you were brought home to meet Rose, you were family. If you befriended her, you were family. Even in hard times herself, she would find a way to help her family if she could. Our family has a big pair of shoes to fill in her absence as we continue to grow our family in the absence of her presence, her smile, her contagious laugh.
With her untimely and unexpected passing, the Decker's are left to put back together the pieces of a shared loss. Rose Lynn Decker is to be cremated, at this current time, with the shared world experience of Covid, we are unable to hold a proper memorial to celebrate her life. We are planning, once restrictions and the like are lifted, to hold an affair in the future to honor Rose. The goal of $2000.00 is to help cover the expenses unforeseen of her afterlife cost. This will ensure the cost of the services needed for the process are covered with a small bit of cushion money encase of any unexpected cost does pop up for her surviving husband of 19 years marriage, William Decker.
I want to make sure you get something you will like but also allow my own expression to come out through the artwork. So for each donation (if you wish) you can mention three random words/colors or even a quote and I will take those and turn it into a piece of art of my own choice in style, layout, detail and size. These pieces will be expressions of my gratitude. Thank you from my family
“I make art when I can't gather the words to say.” ― Nikki Rowe
((Image size will 800x1280 digital format, .png file))