Agape Academy in Little Rock - Tornado Damage
Donation protected
I'm fundraising for Agape Academy and its teachers. The Academy was hit during the tornado that hit Little Rock, 3/31/23. All the teacher's cars were damaged by the tornado - some completely totaled. The children's building has 2 blown-out windows, damage to the roof, water damage, and 6 AC units out and will need to be replaced. Additionally, both of the school's playgrounds are structurally unsecure now due to heavy trees falling on them - we'd love to get these rebuilt. School is out for a week as they rethink how to proceed and attend to the trauma the teachers went through as they sheltered the children in the basement below. The children were fine - no one was hurt - we thank God. But emotionally many of them gasped and cried as they came out to see what the tornado had left in its path. They are eager to return to normal. We'd love to raise money for the teachers to help with travel and car expenses as they are without cars and additionally to help with the finances of rebuilding the school. While much of the damage will be reported to insurance, this could take some time and there is no guarantee that it will cover everything. Anything you can give would be greatly appreciated as the school rebuilds itself. Please share this on your social media if you're not able to give financially. And most of all, prayers as we figure out how to live now.
Ellianna Temple (parent of a child who attends the Academy)
Ellianna Temple
Little Rock, AR