Agent Orange Monument
Donation protected
American Legion Post 95
PO Box 95
Hebron CT 06248
Greetings Veterans and Patriots,
A group of Vietnam veterans and members of the Hebron CT American Legion Post 95 are in the process of erecting an Agent Orange Monument. Many military servicemen who served in Vietnam are suffering from diseases caused by Agent Orange, which was used a defoliant during the war. Many have already died. Following the end of the Vietnam War we learned about the effect of Agent Orange and then had to fight the US government to get acknowledgment and medical treatment.
Now we are erecting this monument as citizens. It will stand on Veterans Green at the intersection of Routes 6 and 316 in Andover. The monument will honor and remember the sacrifice these men and women made while fighting for their country. We are asking for your support in completing this project, which is described in detail on the following page. Please consider helping out with a donation. All funds donated will go to the Agent Orange Monument. Individuals can deduct a contribution as a donation to a nonprofit organization on their federal income tax return.
This monument is a painful reminder of the poisonous dioxin sprayed upon US troops who served in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Korea, and Military bases in the United States, as well as bases all over the world from 1961-1972 or so.
Made of special black granite with Agent Orange heart in the center. The back of the polished stone will have a scene depicting all branches of service exposed. The unveiling is scheduled for late spring or early summer 2021. The face of the monument is designed to match an Agent Orange monument standing in Ennis, TX. The back will make ours the only one like it in the country. Two black granite benches for viewing will be placed front and back.
The Finished cost is $25,000. If you would like to donate, please make check out to American Legion Post 95." AO monument Andover, CT" in the memo. The Town of Andover, Ct. will be the caretaker after the monument is in place. Mail check to address below and I'll mail back a letter of thanks from Post 95. All funds donated will go to the Agent Orange Monument.
Gerry Wright 1SG (Ret) U.S Army
Veterans Representative For Town Of Andover and
Certified By State of CT Veterans Administration
Agent Orange Survivor, Vietnam
19th Combat Engineers 69-70
2014 Ct. Veterans Hall of Fame
Amvets. Legion, VFW, DAV, VVA
Krystine Carey
Hebron, CT