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Kathy's Memorial Fund

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Kathrine Alvarado was a wonderful and devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. She was diagnosed with end stage renal disease (kidney failure). She was not able to receive a kidney due to diagnosis of stomach cancer 14 years later. Kathy was a strong and beautiful woman inside and out. With her faith in God and excellent family support through prayer, she could continue being the great woman of God she was. Her driving force to continue living were her 4 grandchildren. When she was not too fatigued from dialysis and cancer treatments she was teaching Sunday school at Calvary Assembly of God in El Monte, CA. She had helped organize several church plays throughout her 17 years on dialysis. She spent countless hours working on Easter and Christmas plays. Making sure all the music was perfectly in tuned with the message. If anyone would come to her for advice, she would always pray WITH them. God was always and foremost her mission to speak his word because of her living testimony. Kat was an immense Prayer Warrior. With her strong faith in God she had become the rock in our beloved family.
In the turn of this new year, she battled a couple bouts of pneumonia, severely weakening her heart. This turn of events nearly completely debilitated her. Her long stay in the hospital caused her muscles to wither away and she could no longer walk on her own. Her condition attributed to me having to quit my job to be her complete caregiver. Unfortunately, due to the financial hardship, I was not able to maintain her life insurance and other financial obligations. So, at this time, I am reaching out to those of you who can contribute any amount for Kathy's funeral expenses. I pray to the Lord that He blesses you abundantly for contributions in donations, prayers, support, reading and sharing this.
With all my love,
                                    Al Alvarado


  • Hope Uribe-Larson
    • $830
    • 7 yrs


Ascencion Alvarado
Covina, CA

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