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Aid for Conrad Family After Fire Loss

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As you know, the Los Angeles area has been devastated by wildfires in recent days, and our dear friends, Josiah and Erin Conrad, along with their children, Naomi and Benjamin, have lost everything. Their home in Altadena was completely destroyed, and, tragically, all of their belongings have been lost to the flames. The emotional toll of such a loss is unimaginable, but on top of that, they are now facing the overwhelming task of rebuilding their lives without any insurance coverage. Despite their best efforts, they were not able to secure coverage for their personal property.

We know that many of you want to help, but because of the distance and current circumstances, it can be difficult to know how. That’s why we’ve set up this GoFundMe campaign to support Josiah, Erin, Naomi, and Benjamin as they try to recover from this unimaginable loss. Your generous donations will go directly toward helping them replace what they’ve lost—from the everyday essentials to larger items.

Additionally, once logistics are figured out, we will share a link to their Amazon wish list for those who prefer to send specific items directly to the family. Every little bit counts, whether it’s a financial donation or a much-needed household item.

We wish we could physically be there to lend a hand, but this is the next best way to show our love and support. Together, we can make sure that they don’t face this hardship alone.

Thank you for any contribution you can make, whether large or small. Your kindness will make a world of difference to the Conrads during this difficult time.

Required information by GoFundMe
1. Who you are? - Connie Pearson, Jennifer Despain Alexander, Jeremy Bradford (if there are questions and you have our numbers, please feel free to text us. We can also be found on the socials.)
2. Where you're from? Tulsa, Oklahoma
3. Your relationship to the parties you're raising funds for - long time friends
4. How the funds will be spent (be specific as possible) - already stated above


  • Lee Hutchinson
    • 1 000 $
    • 23 T
  • Andrea Carcovich
    • 100 $
    • 25 T
  • Samantha Finken
    • 100 $
    • 28 T
  • Omar Sheikh
    • 200 $
    • 29 T
  • Anonym
    • 100 $
    • 29 T

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Connie Pearson
Altadena, CA
Erin Conrad

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt