Aid Maasai
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Help Daniel Tatiek Tuke Feed Starving Maasai on Kenyan Border!
My name is Michaela Perkins, and my family and I are raising funds for Daniel Tatiek Tuke, living near Lianai, Kenya.
Kenya is experiencing its worst drought in 40 years. Each year there are dry seasons and rainy seasons, but for the past three years there has been almost no moisture at all, and they are entering their sixth consecutive rainy season without rain. 60% of the country’s rivers and streams are dried up. Northern Kenya has been hit the hardest, but now the drought and growing food prices have deepened and worsened and are having a severe impact on Southern Kenya as well.
Over 20 years ago, the Don Riley and Aaron Sprunger families went as missionaries to the Maasai people living near Ol Doinyo Lengai. And later Tom Perkins, Don Hinton, and others went on mission support trips to witness to the secluded Maasai villages and assist the missionary families. During their years of work in the area, they all met a young Maasai man from Lositeti, who had been hired to travel into the Tanzanian/Kenyan Bush and translate the Gospel to the Maasai people.
He did not believe in God or in the Gospel or in Jesus, but he was a faithful and knowledgable guide and translator nonetheless. And it did not take long before the lives and witnesses of all of these men impacted him greatly and deeply. And as he saw the reality and truth of the God of the Bible, he was deeply touched and changed and gave his life to Jesus and his commitment to God. It was then that he took on the name of Daniel and began his walk with God, learning about Him and learning how to serve Him.
Now, 25 years later, Daniel is still in Southern Kenya, witnessing of what God has done for him to everyone around him. When times were prosperous, he was a part of starting many local churches and planting good seeds for God to water and grow. And during these dark times, many old men and women have been coming to his home every week on Mondays and Tuesdays for food and support.
He also tries to fill their spiritual hunger with the Good News that God is near and at hand to all who seek Him and faithful and true to all who put their trust in Him. Since the drought, this message is more vital than ever before and has had a great impact, with many choosing to give their lives to Jesus and repent of their sins and grow close to Him.
Daniel has been faithful to God all these years and is growing in his walk with Jesus, and now we want to be a part of that and help him to plant more good seeds for God in the Maasai lands and people. So we are hoping to raise enough money to help he and his village purchase some much-needed supplies to get through these coming months.
A few words from Daniel: “The old and the young are dying now. But we are trusting in God to feed us. We are strong in Jesus. Remember the Lion’s Den. Remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Remember Joseph. God is strong. God is able. I can trust in God. There is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey. It’s difficult days, but we stand and we’re trusting God that Jesus is going to bring us through. Our home is not here. It’s in heaven. And that’s where our focus is.”
All funds will go directly to Daniel to provide water, food, and shelter for he and his family, both his physical family in body and his spiritual family in Christ, and for the Maasai. Thank you so much for anything you can give. No donation is too small or unimportant.
Daniel Tuke visiting our family in Aug 2000
Don Hinton and Daniel in 1995
Michaela Perkins
Scottsbluff, NE