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Aid Oak & Grist Team Through Hurricane Recovery

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Hello friends and family of Oak & Grist. By now there is no doubt you have heard of and seen the devastation here in Western North Carolina. I am beyond grateful to be able to report that all Oak & Grist staff are well and accounted for, many of us doing what we can for the community around us. It is a struggle to accurately describe the destruction in the towns and neighborhoods that surround us, which makes it all the more surreal to also be able to report that the distillery was fortunate to avoid the flooding just a few hundred feet away in Swannanoa.

While the physical destruction can be seen everywhere you look, the true toll will not be know for months and recovery will take years. Fall is one of the busiest seasons here in western North Carolina and there is no doubt in my mind that this storm will have severe and long lasting economic impacts to regional businesses, Oak & Grist not excluded. The distillery’s entire western North Carolina market is currently on hold. Tourists are being urged not to come here, and rightfully so. The information surrounding recovery times for even basic utilities and sanitation are changing daily but without a definitive timeline it is impossible to know when Oak & Grist will be able to resume normal operations.

We have directed much of our remaining financial resources to maintain payroll and cover bills, but without a definitive timeline for when basic services will be restored Oak & Grist is asking for you help in keeping our employees safe, in their homes, and to be able to afford their basic needs.

All donations will be disbursed directly and equitably among the distillery's employees. Any amount helps. Thank you for your support and we look forward the day we are able to welcome you back into the distillery.


William Goldberg
Black Mountain, NC

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