Aid Professional Vocalists Devastated by COVID-19
The Force Majeure clause that is included in standard performing artist contract language is intended to give both the Arts Organization and the Artist a means of breaking the contract without penalty in the event of a litany of possible scenarios (think civil riot or two feet of snow) that ends with a catch-all to include any and all legitimate causes that are beyond the control of either party.
The Washington, DC area has a sizeable professional singer community, and chances are that no matter where you live, you have heard many of us perform at events of national importance, including State Funerals and Presidential Inaugurations. While it is at the same time both humbling and awesome to lend our artistry in support of these historic occasions, a majority of our freelance income is derived from concert performances; concerts that are being canceled left and right in the interest in mitigating the spread of the coronavirus.
Most of us who have already had contracts canceled agree that in order to contain the pandemic, this is the right course of action. That sentiment does not, however, translate into income to pay the rent or buy groceries.
How long will this last? What will the fallout be in the artistic community? The only thing that is certain is that no one really knows the answer to these questions as of yet.
My wife and I have started this GoFundMe campaign for the benefit of many colleagues whose financial picture relies heavily on work as freelance performers. Both of us work a great deal as freelance vocalists, however, we are extremely fortunate in that each of us has a full-time music position - Susie as a vocalist with the US Navy Band and myself as the Director of Music at a church in Northern Virginia. As such, the proceeds of this campaign are not intended for our own relief, but rather for that of our colleagues who are in dire straights in the current, open-ended shutdown.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about this need; our initial goal of $50,000 is based on providing relief to 100 Washington, DC area singers with a cap of $500 per person. Aid will be awarded based on application/verification of lost performing revenue due to COVID-19. Depending on the number of applications and the duration of the pandemic, this need may increase. All relief payments will be handled through my business, Musica Nova, LLC (Virginia #S7246715). Remaining funds (if any) will be used in any/all of the following ways: Expand applications to include other localities with similar need among the professional vocalist community; take steps to form an artist collective, such that there would be a local support network in the event of future catastrophic work stoppage; produce a live performance(s) once the hazmat suits come off; reimburse incidental expenses that are incurred in order to manage the application/relief process.
The video included on this page was recorded in October of 2018 and was the opening piece on my graduate conducting recital. Susie and I are indebted to all of the singers & instrumentalists who made this project possible and are especially grateful to percussionist Jeff DeRoche and soprano soloist Crossley Hawn.
In this original composition by Jake Runestad, the text hearkens to a Somali proverb: “If people come together, they can even mend a crack in the sky.”
With Sincere Appreciation,
Susie & Jerry Kavinski, Co-Founders
~Art Imitating Life~
UPDATE requested by GoFundMe
1. Withdrawal plan: Funds will be transferred to the Musica Nova, LLC account at TD Bank, from which payments will be made via Venmo, PayPal, or (least preferred) check to artists with approved/verified applications for aid. Approval is based on demonstrated loss of performance income due to the coronavirus global pandemic. Application is currently under development via Google Forms.
2. It is intended that all funds be distributed to performing artists in need, with funds primarily intended to pay for housing and food.
Sample Force Majeure clause:
Force Majeure: Neither Artist nor [ORGANIZATION] shall be liable for failure to appear or perform its obligations under this Agreement in the event that such failure is caused by or due to the acts or regulations of public authorities, labor difficulties, civil tumult, inclement weather, strike, epidemic, interruption or delay of transportation service, or any other legitimate cause beyond the control of Artist or [ORGANIZATION].