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Aid Rick Conrad's Rehabilitation Journey

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Hi all.. Rick Conrad, my father and best friend, has unfortunately suffered a terrible injury. While on vacation with his friends and family in Myrtle Beach, SC, he sustained a serious injury resulting in a life-changing surgery. As I write this, he is undergoing an extensive double knee surgery to repair the damages and hopefully allow him to have basic function in both of his lower legs.

After the surgery is over, he will be transitioned to a rehabilitation facility in Myrtle Beach, SC for an unknown period of time to learn how to walk again. I’m not sure how to ask for help because if you know Rick, you know that he’s the person who is going out of his way to help anyone he can at any time. Although he will probably get upset with me for doing this, I am hoping that with the kindness of everyone, we can show him that we are here for him like he is always there for us.

Any and all donations will allow his family to travel back and forth to see him from Maryland to South Carolina and keep his spirits high, as well as alleviate some of the stress that will follow with medical bills and such. This will be extremely hard to navigate both mentally and physically, so any kindness is greatly appreciated and we will be forever thankful. We hope to take it day by day to recovery, supporting him from near and far and believe that God has a plan for all of this.

Thank you all so much and all my love Dad, you’re my hero and the strongest warrior. I got you forever and always! - Peanut


Gabrielle Conrad
Clear Spring, MD

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