Aileen Aguilar funeral donations
Aileen Aguilar was a beautiful soul that
left this earth tragically and way too soon on Monday
February 22, 2021. Aileen had many loved ones, family and friends that she left behind and would like to lessen the burden on the family in any way we can.
Our little community of the city of Pipestone is devastated by this tragic news. Shemade friends everywhere she went with her sparkly/bubbly personality. She was always kind and happy to help anyone that needed.
Aileen Aguilar se fue de este mundo trágicamente y muy joven a los 17 años en Febrero 22, 2021.
Aileen tenía mucha familia y seres queridos y queremos minimizar la carga de estátragedia en la familia en qual quiere forma posible.
Nuestra comunidad chica de Pipestone está devastado por esta noticia horrible. Aileen hacía amigos donde quiera que fuera con su carácter alegre y feliz.