ajuda com a despesas de imigracao
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O meu nome e Nathalia. Eu sou mae de tres filhos. O meu marido chama Rafael. Nos moramos numa casa em Abington. O meu marido sustena da casa. Tenho uma filha de 10 anos um filho de 8 anos e uma filha de 3 anos. Eu tinha aplicado pra dar entrada nos papel do meu marido. Ate entao estava indo tudo bem. Nos estavamos basicamente no ultimo passo. Nisso o meu marido foi em New Hampshire resolver um problema na Motor Vehicle. A mulher que atendeu ele la chamou a immigracao pra ele por ele nao ter o documento. A immigracao foi e prendeu ele. Ja vai fazer uma semana que o meu marido esta preso. Estou tendo gasto com advogado. Os nossos amigos e familiares tem nos ajudados na medida possivel. Eles tem me ajudado olhando os meus filhos pra mim pode trabalhar a noite no meu servico. Eu estou precisando de ajuda. Eu nao tenho dinherio pra paga nem as contas de casa e muito menos pra paga pra poder tira o meu marido da prisao. Se o meu marido continuar la eu nao sei o que vou arrumar com os meus tres filhos. Dependo muito do meu marido. Como havia dito antes ele que sustenta da casa. Quando falei com a advogado ela me disse que pra poder tira o meu marido de la ia sair entre $8,000 -$12,00 de fianca. A minha advogada pediu $3,500 para poder comecar o processo de tira ele de la. Os meus amigos me ajudarao com esse dinherio. Pagarao $2,500 e ainda esta faltando $1,000. Preciso desses $1,000 antes de comparece na courte que sera semana que vem na terca feria dia 18 de julho. O meu marido tem mais 2 filhos no Brasil que precisa da ajuda do pai deles aqui. Eu nao quero ver a minha familia separada. Nao tenho condicao de fazer isso sozinha. Que puder ajudar qualquer valor e bem vindo. Desde ja agradeco a ajudar de cada um. Quem nao pode esta contribuindo finaceriamente eu peco que ajuda em oracao. Meu sincero desejo e que Deus abencoe a vida de voce,e que nunca venha acontecer uma coisas dessa com nehuma de voces. Obrigado.
HI my name is Nathalia. I am the mother of three kids. My husband's name is Rafael. We live in a house in Abington. My husband is the provider of the house.I have a 10 year old daughter, an 8 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. We had started the application process to legalize my husbamd here. Until this point everything was working just fine. We were basically on the last step of the legalization process. My husband then went to New Hampshire to solve a problem at the DMV. The lady who helped him called immigration on him because he didn't have his papers. The immigration then came and took him to prision. It has been almost a week that my husband has been in prision. I am having to pay for the lawyer. Our friends and families have been helping us as much as they can. They have been helping me a lot by watching y kids at night for me to be able to go to work. I need some help. I do not have any money to pay my bills and i deffinately do not have the money to pay for a lawyer to get my husband out of prision. If my husband continues in prision I do not know what I am going to do with three kids. I depend on my husband a lot. Like I have saidd before he is the provider for out household. When I spoke with my lawyer she said that I would need around $8,000- 12,000 to pay the fee to get him out. My lawyer also asked for $3,500 to start the process to get him out. My friends helped me with this money. All together we paid $2,500, so we still need $1,000. I need this $1,000 before I go to court next week on Tuesday July 18th. My husban has two other kids in Brazil who need their father's help from here.I do not want my family to get seperated. I have no conditions of doing this alone. Whoever can help with any amount is grately appreciated. I would thank all of those who will be helping. Whoever cannot help finacially, I ask that you keep us in your prayer. My sincere desire is that God can bless your life and that something like this does not happen to any of you.
HI my name is Nathalia. I am the mother of three kids. My husband's name is Rafael. We live in a house in Abington. My husband is the provider of the house.I have a 10 year old daughter, an 8 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. We had started the application process to legalize my husbamd here. Until this point everything was working just fine. We were basically on the last step of the legalization process. My husband then went to New Hampshire to solve a problem at the DMV. The lady who helped him called immigration on him because he didn't have his papers. The immigration then came and took him to prision. It has been almost a week that my husband has been in prision. I am having to pay for the lawyer. Our friends and families have been helping us as much as they can. They have been helping me a lot by watching y kids at night for me to be able to go to work. I need some help. I do not have any money to pay my bills and i deffinately do not have the money to pay for a lawyer to get my husband out of prision. If my husband continues in prision I do not know what I am going to do with three kids. I depend on my husband a lot. Like I have saidd before he is the provider for out household. When I spoke with my lawyer she said that I would need around $8,000- 12,000 to pay the fee to get him out. My lawyer also asked for $3,500 to start the process to get him out. My friends helped me with this money. All together we paid $2,500, so we still need $1,000. I need this $1,000 before I go to court next week on Tuesday July 18th. My husban has two other kids in Brazil who need their father's help from here.I do not want my family to get seperated. I have no conditions of doing this alone. Whoever can help with any amount is grately appreciated. I would thank all of those who will be helping. Whoever cannot help finacially, I ask that you keep us in your prayer. My sincere desire is that God can bless your life and that something like this does not happen to any of you.
Nathy Coelho Medeiros
Abington, MA