Ajut-o pe Sara să participe la Turnee Europene
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TenniSara. Help Sara participate in Tennis Europe 2023
Tenisul a intrat in viata a noastră... sau noi am intrat in lumea tenisului...nici
nu știu cum a fost de fapt ... in urma cu aproape 8 ani, când Sara avea doar 3 ani si
jumătate. Pe vremea aceea locuiam lângă o baza sportiva, cu mai multe terenuri de
tenis…iar Sara stătea si privea, printr-un gard, cum un instructor le preda lecții de
tenis copiilor. Era foarte curioasa si atât de atenta încât, de la distanta, învățase cum
trebuie sa tina corect racheta in mana. Își dorea sa fie si ea acolo pe teren si m-a
rugat sa o duc si pe ea la tenis.
Nu au vrut sa o primească, deoarece era prea mica, dar oricum situația
noastră materiala nu ne permitea astfel de cheltuieli...abia ne ajungeau banii sa ne
întreținem de la o luna la alta. Suntem o familie monoparentala, eu fiind singura
întreținătoare a Sarei.
In condițiile acestea, un ajutor nesperat a apărut parca din senin… este vorba
despre domnul profesor CALIN GHEORGHE, cel care i-a fost alături Sarei exact
de la început. A fost dispus sa o antreneze si am primit sprijinul lui absolut
voluntar, toată perioada aceasta nu a pretins nici măcar o recompensa financiara. A
făcut totul din pasiune pentru tenis, observând talentul si potențialul ei. Sper ca
Sara v-a reuși sa-l facă mândru de ea....
Pentru ca Sara sa poată sa ajungă acolo unde își dorește...visul ei este sa
devina o jucătoare de tenis de succes... trebuie sa urmeze un drum care duce spre
marea performanta....într-un mediu si cu o îndrumare profesionista.
Am primit confirmarea mai multor specialiști ca Sara este clar o
sportivă talentata si de perfectiva.... dar, din păcate asta nu este suficient.
A fost nr. 1 național la categoria U10, a câștigat titlul de Campioana
Naționala a României in 2021 si a ajuns pe prima treapta a podiumului
reprezentând România la Tennis Trophy International Master Kinder-Joy la
academia lui Rafa Nadal.
Momentan Sara se pregătește la Academia de Tenis Plebiscito Padova din
Italia, sub îndrumarea antrenorului DENYS PARMENTIER...unde, in urma unor
testări, a primit o bursa sportiva care ii oferă privilegiul de a se antrena gratuit in
cadrul academiei...precizez însa ca are gratuitate doar in ceea ce privește
antrenamentele, NU are asigurat nimic altceva: cazare, masa, echipamente sportive
sau deplasări la turnee...
Eu am decis sa o urmez pe Sara in Italia ca sa ii ofer șansa sa evolueze si sa
se pregătească într-un mediu profesionist, ceea ce ii lipsea ei pana acuma. Dar in
condițiile acestea singura mea sursa de venit, adică locul meu de munca din
România, a încetat…si in aceste momente trebuie sa găsesc resurse financiare
pentru nevoile unui sportiv de performanta in special pentru deplasările la turnee
internaționale Tennis Europe la care ar trebui sa participe începând cu anul
Aceasta susținere financiara ar putea fi un stimulant in susținerea
performantei lui Sara si sa contribuie la creșterea ei sportiva.
…Sara chiar crede ca ar putea ajunge acolo la înalta performanta... dar
Drumul pe care am pornit este extrem de greu……am avut nenumărate momente in
care parca ajungeam la capătul puterilor si a resurselor… câteodată eram in extaz
alteori in agonie, parca am călătorii într-un carusel. Dar mi-am dat seama ca viata
este plina de posibilități si atunci când o ușa se închide, alta se deschide. Așa ca noi
vom continuam sa luptam si sa SPERAM.
Simona & Sara
Help Sara participate in Tennis Europe
Tennis has come into our lives, or you could say that we have entered the world of tennis…
I don’t really remember what it was like, almost 8 years ago, when Sara was only 3 and
and a half years old. At that time, we lived next to a sports center with several tennis courts. Sara would sit and watch through a fence as an instructor taught
tennis. She was very curious - and so attentive that, from a distance, she learned how to
hold a tennis racket correctly. She asked me to take her to play tennis and she wanted me to be there on the court with her.
They wouldn't take her because she was too young. But anyway, our financial situation didn't allow for such expenses. We barely had enough money to support ourselves from one month to the next. We’re a single-parent family, with me being the only breadwinner.
But during this tough time, someone appeared out of the blue: Mr. Calin Gheorghe, the professor who has been with Sara from the beginning. He was willing to train her and give us his complete support.
And this was voluntary - he didn't even ask for a financial reward.
Everything he did, he did out of a passion for tennis. He recognized her talent and potential. I hope that
Sara will succeed in making him proud of her and that she can get to where she wants to be.
Her dream is to become a successful tennis player. To do this, she must follow a path that leads to great performance - in a professional environment and with professional guidance.
I have received confirmation from several specialists that Sara is evidently a talented and promising player, but unfortunately, that's not enough.
She is number one nationally in the U10 category. She won the title of National Champion of Romania in 2021. Sara also reached the top step of the podium, representing Romania, in the Tennis Trophy International Master Kinder-Joy competition at Rafa Nadal's academy, winning the tournament trophy.
Sara is currently training at Tennis Academy
Plebiscito Padova in Italy, under the guidance of coach Denys Parmentier. Here, following some tests, Sara received a sports scholarship that gave her the privilege of training for free in the academy.
However, I must specify that this scholarship provides only free training. Nothing else is provided, such as accommodation, meals, equipment, and the cost of traveling to tournaments.
I decided to come with Sara to Italy to give her the chance to evolve and to train in a professional environment, which she lacked before. But
under these circumstances, I had to leave my job in Romania, which was my only source of income.
As a result, I am seeking financial support for the needs of a young athlete. One particularly expensive need is the cost of travel to tournaments. In 2023, Sara will be participating in the Tennis Europe international tournaments. It can be assured that this financial support will be a great incentive for Sara to continue performing well and growing as an athlete.
Sara really believes she can make it as a successful professional tennis player, but the journey we're on is extremely difficult and has many ups and downs.
Sometimes, I seemed to reach the end of my strength and resources. Sometimes, I was ecstatic. Other times, in agony. It felt as if we were riding on a merry-go-round. But I’ve realized that life is full of possibilities. When one door closes, another one opens. So we will continue to fight and hope for the best.
Simona & Sara
Sitar Simona
Province of Padua