Ajutor Pentru Biserica Betel Arad
Donation protected
Dupa o perioada mai lunga de renovare a bisericii penticostale Betel din jud Arad se apropia finalul lucrarii.
Lucrind ore tirzii pentru a incheia lucrarea inainte de perioada sarbatorilor. Dupa o zi lunga de lucru au plecat toti la casele lor dar somnul celor mai multi a fost brusc intrerupt in miez de noapte de cutrmuratoarea veste,, cladirea bisericii este in flacari. In sanctuarul bisericii a izbucnit un incendiu care a lasat ceia ce vedem in imagini.
Dorim sa fim alaturi de biserica Betel care trece prin aceasta situatie sprijinindui financiar, avind in vedere ca serviciile sunt suspendate consideram ca este nevoie de un ajutor urgent. Fondurile vor fi trimise de conducerea bisericii Romanian Pentecostal Church Bethel from Mi. direct in contul biserici Betel Arad. Pentru mai multe informatii puteti lua legatura cu conducerea bisericii Bethel Detroit si Fratele Eugen Micurescu, Numerel de contact se pot gasi mai jos:
After a long period of time, the progress of renovating Betel Romanian Pentecostal Church (Arad, Romania) was almost complete. Our brothers and sisters were working long hours in order to finish the renovation process before the holiday season. After a long day of work, the workers headed home but their sleep was cut short after being awakened with the news that the church was in flames. In the church sanctuary, a fire broke out leaving the charred remains as seen below.
We wish to be alongside and assist Bethel church financially, keeping in mind that church services are suspended and help is needed urgently. The funds collected will be sent directly to Betel Romanian Pentecostal Church (Arad, Romania) by the leadership board of Bethel Romanian Pentecostal Church (Taylor, Michigan, USA). For more information, please contact the Bethel Romanian Pentecostal Church leadership board or brother Eugen Micurescu.
This fundraiser was set up by Bethel Romanian Pentecostal Church in Taylor, Michigan. All funds collected through this fundraiser will be sent through wire transfer to Betel Pentecostal Church in Arad, Romania. Our church will be in contact with Pastor Iosif Anca to ensure the money will successfully be transferred to their bank account. The funds will be used to purchase materials and equipment to repair the church sanctuary.

Nicu Barsan: 3137420630
Fanut Bulubenchi: 2484726466
Eugen Micurescu: 0744142042
Lucrind ore tirzii pentru a incheia lucrarea inainte de perioada sarbatorilor. Dupa o zi lunga de lucru au plecat toti la casele lor dar somnul celor mai multi a fost brusc intrerupt in miez de noapte de cutrmuratoarea veste,, cladirea bisericii este in flacari. In sanctuarul bisericii a izbucnit un incendiu care a lasat ceia ce vedem in imagini.
Dorim sa fim alaturi de biserica Betel care trece prin aceasta situatie sprijinindui financiar, avind in vedere ca serviciile sunt suspendate consideram ca este nevoie de un ajutor urgent. Fondurile vor fi trimise de conducerea bisericii Romanian Pentecostal Church Bethel from Mi. direct in contul biserici Betel Arad. Pentru mai multe informatii puteti lua legatura cu conducerea bisericii Bethel Detroit si Fratele Eugen Micurescu, Numerel de contact se pot gasi mai jos:
After a long period of time, the progress of renovating Betel Romanian Pentecostal Church (Arad, Romania) was almost complete. Our brothers and sisters were working long hours in order to finish the renovation process before the holiday season. After a long day of work, the workers headed home but their sleep was cut short after being awakened with the news that the church was in flames. In the church sanctuary, a fire broke out leaving the charred remains as seen below.
We wish to be alongside and assist Bethel church financially, keeping in mind that church services are suspended and help is needed urgently. The funds collected will be sent directly to Betel Romanian Pentecostal Church (Arad, Romania) by the leadership board of Bethel Romanian Pentecostal Church (Taylor, Michigan, USA). For more information, please contact the Bethel Romanian Pentecostal Church leadership board or brother Eugen Micurescu.
This fundraiser was set up by Bethel Romanian Pentecostal Church in Taylor, Michigan. All funds collected through this fundraiser will be sent through wire transfer to Betel Pentecostal Church in Arad, Romania. Our church will be in contact with Pastor Iosif Anca to ensure the money will successfully be transferred to their bank account. The funds will be used to purchase materials and equipment to repair the church sanctuary.

Nicu Barsan: 3137420630
Fanut Bulubenchi: 2484726466
Eugen Micurescu: 0744142042
Bethel Romanian Pentecostal Church Detroit
Taylor, MI