David Stancu Funeral Expenses
Donation protected
Dear Friends and Family,
As you may all be aware by now, David Stancu died suddenly September 6, 2020. He was 22 years old. David was the only child of Ioana and Sorin Stancu their pride and joy!
Nothing can be more devastating for a parent than the loss of their child, and while money cannot replace their beloved son, we are trying to raise some money to help with the costs of the funeral and memorial services for David’s family as this passing was completely unexpected.
If you would like to donate, just click on the donate button and donate whatever you can. If you are not able to donate don’t forget you can still leave messages and comments for Ioana and Sorin to read.
Message from the parents:
"Dragii mei, David, singurul copil a-l nostru, s-a dus la Domnul azi noapte, in urma unui accident cu motocicleta.
Dacă vreți și puteți, veniți miercuri să-l vizitați la Santeiu Funeral (1139 Inkster, Garden City, MI 48135) de la ora 2 la 8pm. Rugaciunea (Saracusta) va fi de la 7 la 7:30, tot miercuri.
Înmormîntarea va fi joi de la 11:00 la 12:00, la mănăstirea Sfânta Treime din Clinton (15143 Sheridan Rd, Clinton, MI 49236) urmată de o masă dăruită de mănăstire.
Dumnezeu să-l odihnească și pe noi să ne miluiască, să putem duce această cruce."
May his soul rest in peace!
Please keep Ioana and Sorin in your prayers!
Thank you!
As you may all be aware by now, David Stancu died suddenly September 6, 2020. He was 22 years old. David was the only child of Ioana and Sorin Stancu their pride and joy!
Nothing can be more devastating for a parent than the loss of their child, and while money cannot replace their beloved son, we are trying to raise some money to help with the costs of the funeral and memorial services for David’s family as this passing was completely unexpected.
If you would like to donate, just click on the donate button and donate whatever you can. If you are not able to donate don’t forget you can still leave messages and comments for Ioana and Sorin to read.
Message from the parents:
"Dragii mei, David, singurul copil a-l nostru, s-a dus la Domnul azi noapte, in urma unui accident cu motocicleta.
Dacă vreți și puteți, veniți miercuri să-l vizitați la Santeiu Funeral (1139 Inkster, Garden City, MI 48135) de la ora 2 la 8pm. Rugaciunea (Saracusta) va fi de la 7 la 7:30, tot miercuri.
Înmormîntarea va fi joi de la 11:00 la 12:00, la mănăstirea Sfânta Treime din Clinton (15143 Sheridan Rd, Clinton, MI 49236) urmată de o masă dăruită de mănăstire.
Dumnezeu să-l odihnească și pe noi să ne miluiască, să putem duce această cruce."
May his soul rest in peace!
Please keep Ioana and Sorin in your prayers!
Thank you!
Alexandru Vasilescu
Orchard Lake Village, MI