Dobbins Family Heartache
A dear, sweet, amazing family needs your help! Please help if you can!
Tragedy has struck a dear family that many truly love and adore. On April 1st 2017, Amanda who was 37 weeks pregnant, suffered from severe complications from her pregnancy resulting in her sudden death. Her baby was delivered by emergency C-section and is in critical condition. As you can imagine, the husband and father of this sweet family is suffering greatly right now. And, even though money cannot heal the can help tremendously with the financial burdens to come. The love surrounding this family is never-ending and countless, but heartache and loss are at their feet right now. Prayers of comfort for their loss of a dear wife/daughter/sister/mother are never-ending right not. Prayers that their sweet baby girl that Amanda was carrying will survive and be as amazing as her mother. Prayers that her amazing husband will have the strength to go on and to be the most wonderful father we all know he'll be. But prayers will not pay for the unfortunate financial responsibilities that come with such a tragic loss. My heart is in pieces! The sadness of their countless friends and family is penetrating the atmosphere right now. So every prayer will be a little louder and stronger tonight for sure I can't even begin to imagine the pain of her husband and family, but as much as my heart hurts.....I pray they can heal. Prayer is sometimes all we have, so keep them going! Love a little stronger tonight, hug a little tighter. Make sure your loved ones know you love them! And thank you so much for your help!