New Marquee for Aldridge Elementary
In lieu of a complicated and time consuming fundraiser, Aldridge Elementary PTA is raising money for the PTA via a check writing campaign and crowdfunding. Our goal is to raise enough to purchase a new electronic marquee for our school. It's a BIG goal, so we are hoping you can help out.
The current (old) marquee requires manual updating, is poorly placed on the property and is ineffective in communicating to our community, friends and families.
The goal to raise money above and beyond budgeted funds to cover the cost to replace and relocate the marquee with new, modern electronic version which can easily be seen from adjacent streets and clearly communicate important dates and information and properly recognize our sponsors and donors (that's you!)
Based on cost estimates, approximately $35,000 is needed for new marquee. Funds are needed soon as the Plano ISD cannot begin the planning, purchase and installation process until funds are provided to the school.
We understand that this is a huge goal and make take some time, but we hope you can make a donation today.
Help us make Aldridge Elementary a better campus and help the PTA raise funds for a new marquee.
Visit us on the web at:
Thank you for your donation.
David Gantt
President, Aldridge Elementary PTA