Alex Costa - Suicide Prevention
Our family now consists of over ONE MILLION people! That's crazy! So what now? How do we make a difference?
Given everything that has been going on with high-profile suicides, and TV series showcasing these issues, and given my personal experience with it, it is clear to me that, together, we can help people in need. People who, for whatever reason, decide that they cannot go any longer. People who believe that their life is broken, and that it can't be fixed. We can help them and show them that there is a way!
Please donate whatever you can, and all of it will go to Suicide Prevention Initiatives at the end of the month (June). I have personally donated $1,000, and now it's up to you. If you can only donate a few bucks, then THANK YOU. If you can donate more, I will be so grateful and happy to have built such a strong, giving community.
And if you know someone who needs help, don't turn your back on them. Talk about it. Ask questions. Tell their family. Help them!
I appreciate all the love and support, and can't wait to see what else we can do together.
Thank you,