Alexander's Okunsky Medical Support
I am helping one of my friends who lives in Kiev, Ukraine. Her husband is very sick and was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. Alexander's family is looking for medical support; treatment in Ukraine is very expensive, and they hope they can raise donations to continue his rehabilitation and chemotherapy. Her husband was working and supporting the family financially. Since he was diagnosed, his family has had a very difficult time paying for his treatments and taking care of the kids. I translated her story from the Russian language below.
"My name is Marianna Okunskaya. My husband Alexander Okunsky is very ill. He was diagnosed with Intestinal Cancer a few months ago. Alexander is 45 years old and he was a legendary Ukrainian basketball player. He had three very difficult surgeries since February of this year and during 2 month lost 50kg (110 lb). I hope to raise money to continue his chemotherapy treatments and rehabilitation process. I love him dearly and pray for his recovery. Our friends and family help us as much as they can, but it is still very expensive to pay for medical care. We have three little kids. They hope and believe their dad will get better and become healthy again very soon. Thank you in advance for your help and understanding."
In a world full of turmoil and war, especially when conflict is within your own borders, it is important to remember the foundations of life. Giving to and caring for those in need gives reward to everyone involved. One small donation can mean the difference for Alexander and his family. One small donation can have one large impact on their lives. Please donate to this incredible cause.