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3 year old Alex "Warrior Princess"

Donativo protegido
Alex the 3 year old "Warrior Princess"  has been fighting MRSA for over 42 days and has had six surgeries so far.  Her Mom is a 911 dispatcher for Clark County CRESA and is out of sick leave, vacation leave, and vacation donations.  Alex is currently in Randall Children's hospital and when she is released will need around the clock care.  Alex has and continues to be in "acute care" condition with a relapse after a short time at home.  We are seeking any donation possible so her Mom can focus her energy and attention on Alex's speedy recovery and escape from financial distress.


  • Gayle Talcott
    • 40 $
    • 11 años
  • IAFF Local 1805
    • 500 $
    • 11 años
  • Anónimo
    • 20 $
    • 11 años
  • The Pullings Family
    • 30 $
    • 11 años
  • Marc and Deanna Thompson
    • 25 $
    • 11 años


Jodi Gaylord
Vancouver, WA

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