Alfie's Emergency Vet Fund
Firstly, we can't thank you enough for coming to read about Alfie's campaign. It means the world that you're following along Alfie's journey and are keeping him in your thoughts. To maintain complete transparency, the below is a screenshot of the bill we received this morning for Alfie's treatment so far.
HE'S HOME! Alfie has returned home from the 5 days he spent at Central Victoria Veterinary Hospital and is taking his time getting back to the sweet boy he was before this all struck. Alfie is on 4 different kinds of oral medication and 1 topical medication. He's managed to eat something like 2 meals over the last 7 days, with 1 of those meals being eaten yesterday! We took Alfie to the dog park for some semblance of normalcy this morning and he reveled in being among friends, grass, and sunshine. Things are looking up :)
I cannot thank everyone who has contributed to Alfie getting the treatment he needs more. The outpour of love and generosity from our community has floored us and we are forever grateful. We're SO close to being halfway to our goal! Any sharing of this campaign or donation you might be able to make would make a world of difference to us.
Please be sure to read below and follow along for more updates :)
Alfie at Home:
At around noon on August 16th, Alfie got an ultrasound on his abdomen that concluded he can be released to us by tomorrow morning to complete his recovery journey! Before sedation for the ultrasound, he was apparently seeking attention and singing away - he's returning to his normal, labbo self <3 <3
On top of an ultrasound, Alfie also received a few more injections, sedatives, and routine checks which has brought our bill to a whopping $4,167. We are celebrating his health with ramen noodles and water for dinner, haha! With that, the goal amount has been adjusted to account for the extra $1,600 tacked on to our bill for the diagnostics that concluded our sweet boy will recover. For more information about Alfie's case, please scroll and read below. Thank you for following along!
Alfie's Vet Bill, August 16th 8:00 PM:
Alfie's Vet Bill, August 16th 8:00 AM:
If you know Alfie you know his mild mannered nature and love for treatos. Last Thursday he stopped eating even his favorite things and became incredibly sick. Alfie was rushed to an emergency vet clinic three times over a 24 hour period. Upon the 3rd time, we decided to have him stay at the hospital for monitoring and ongoing treatment for internal bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Today, August 16th, will be the 4th day of his stay at Central Victoria Veterinary Hospital. We initially thought he had developed several hotspots, or had a severe allergic reaction, but veterinarians have become increasingly suspicious of a mass obstruction or cancer with mounting symptoms that nod toward the terminal disease. Yesterday was the first day Tom and I were allowed to have a visit with Alfie in 3 days, and we all cried. We brought his favorite eats, but he refused and took lots of snuggles and scratches instead. Alfie soon fell asleep in the sunshine, like he always loved to do on summer days.
Visiting Alfie on August 15th:
We are finally moving forward with an ultrasound to see if there are any masses present that could be cause for the extreme discomfort our boy is in. We're so incredibly hopeful that the results suggest he will make a full recovery from this illness, but veterinarians have warned us that the results may inform us that these kinds of illnesses will reoccur or won't go away. Alfie has been so brave throughout the last several days and continues to express his love and appreciation for the sweeter things in life. We will be visiting Alfie again today after his ultrasound to see if he might reconsider some boiled chicken! Keep your fingers crossed for us.
We are prideful at the best of times, and hesitated to make a GoFundMe to support Alfie's journey, however there have been numerous unexpected expenses over the last several months that makes paying for Alfie's treatment difficult. My sweet enormous loyal lab has been a constant through the best and worst times of my life, and I want to give him the grace and dignity he deserves. Tom and I would love nothing more than for him to continue to play in the world in the way that he always has. Any small donation, or sharing of this campaign would be so deeply appreciated.
Alfie is 12 years old now, which comes with many complications. Tom and I have cared for senior dogs in the past and understand the risks associated with aging puppers - Alfie being no exception. This good old boy has given us a beautiful few years full of puttering around the forests and lakes of Northern Ontario. A few months ago we crossed the country to the west coast and Alfie has since connected to his Labrador roots and adopted the ocean as his favorite place. He's the best brother to sweet young Lacey and has been the most incredible foster sibling to many, many dogs who have since found their forever homes.
Thank you SO much for your support and generosity. We will keep the page updated!
A little montage of Alfie's life with us: