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Alfredo’s Repatriation and Funeral Services

Spende geschützt
It is with a profound sadness that I must share the unexpected passing of Alfredo Blandon. He leaves us on both the morning of Christmas Eve, and his mother’s birthday. He leaves behind a wife, two daughters, and countless other loved ones.

As heavy as his passing weighs on us, there are services that must be taken care of. We’re asking for any help we can get with his repatriation and funeral costs. We’d like him to be sent to Nicaragua so he may be laid to rest in his home land, surrounded by the closest members of his family. Any and all help is appreciated as we grieve his untimely passing. He will forever be loved and missed. Thank you.

Es con profunda tristeza que comparto el inesperado fallecimiento de Alfredo Blandón. Nos deja en la mañana de Nochebuena, y el cumpleaños de su madre. Deja atrás una esposa, dos hijas y muchos otros seres queridos. Por mucho que nos pesa su fallecimiento, hay servicios que debemos cuidar. Estamos pidiendo toda la ayuda que podamos obtener con su repatriación y los costos del funeral. Nos gustaría que lo enviaran a Nicaragua para que descanse en su tierra natal, rodeado de los miembros más cercanos de su familia. Se agradece toda ayuda mientras lamentamos su prematuro fallecimiento. Siempre será amado y extrañado. Gracias.



  • Oscar Monroy Jr
    • $200
    • 11 mos
  • Irayda Gutierrez
    • $50
    • 11 mos
  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 11 mos
  • Evelyn Rivas
    • $50
    • 11 mos
  • Fatima Torres
    • $172
    • 11 mos


Juan Bautista
Buena Park, CA

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