Alice's Car Fund
My name is Alice Anson and I'm serving God in northern Arizona as a dorm parent at a boarding school. I live on a bumpy, dirt road and after being here for over a year and a half my car has felt the effects of this bumpy, dirt road. In addition to the road conditions my 2000 Volkswagon Beetle is also 15 years old.
As you can imagine my car has had some issues - some more serious than others. I've done my best to take care of my car, but as a missonary money is tight. I'm a typical girl when it comes to cars and I don't remember all the correct terms, but I can describe what happened...
When my car started shaking a few weeks ago I prayed and asked God what to do (I have since learned when my car shakes I should have it looked at sooner). When the shaking got worse and was too much to handle and felt as though my car was going to fall apart I pulled into the nearest mechanic (9 miles from the boarding school). When the mechanic took it out for a test drive he immediately brought it back to the shop, jacked the car up and pointed out how the "arm" was ready to break loose and my tire would turn sideways! He told me my car was unsafe to drive. I told him I didn't have the $300 to fix my car and I'd have to bring it back another day. He insisted I didn't drive my car the 9 miles back to campus as the tire was sure to break. I called my family and scrounged the $300 together so I could at least drive my car back to campus.
A few hours later the "arm" was fixed and my car was safe to drive again... until it was driven to ensure it was fixed. The shaking was just as bad and the mechanic took a closer look to see there was another part that would be $700 to fix (unfortuantely at this point I was so overwhelmed I didn't hear the part, but it started with a "p" - I tell ya, I'm a girl when it comes to mechanics). He said my car wasn't completely fixed, but safe enough to drive back to campus. He asked I come back the next day so he could further inspect my car and find the root problem. He explained the $700 part could be the only issue or there could be a half a dozen other issues that were causing the $700 issue. I explained my situation and he said he could lower the price to $500, but couldn't go any lower than that. I thanked him for his generosity, but still explained I didn't have the money.
When I returned the next day so the mechanic could inspect my car. I continued to pray and ask God for help with my car. I can't afford a new car, car payment or even the repairs for this car. I started thinking about not having a car and then realized for my sanity I need to be able to get off campus and go for a drive to clear my mind - let alone the fact it's a lot cheaper to drive than travel by train or fly when I return to California during the summer and Christmas break. I thought about hitching a ride with other staff members, but with opposite schedules as most of the campus getting off campus would be tricky.
When I went back to the mechanic to check on the status of my car (thanks to friends who were available to give me a ride) I noticed my car was being worked on. I began to panic and freak out a bit because I didn't authorize any service - let alone I don't have the money for the repair. The mechanic told me not to worry and showed me another cause to the shaking. He was replacing the upper strut mounts on both sides and when I questioned what it would cost he told me he understands my situation and wasn't going to charge me. He said it wasn't going to fix the problem completely because the $500, orginally $700, part still needed to be replaced, but it wasn't in the dire condition he orginally thought upon the quick inspection the previous day. In other words, the $500 part could wait, but would eventually need to be replaced. He just asked I bring my car in to him to have the other part fixed.
Praise God for answering prayers!
So, long story short I'm here on GoFundMe to raise some money. Here's the idea: I need to raise at least $500 for the repair of the part that is still cauing my car to shake. However, if I'm able to raise enough, through your generosity, for a new-to-me car (I'm guessing a car about 5 years old would be at least $10,000-$15,000 - I haven't done the research because it's so out there at this point, but who knows what God's plan is and what will happen.) I will trade this car in and get a new-to-me car. If I'm unable to raise enough for a new-to-me car, but have more than the cost of the $500 repair the plan is to put the "extra" money in a special savings account so when there is another repair to be done to my current car I'd have the money.
Thank you for your support and being an answer to prayer!