Alicia Valladares Funeral Fund
Donation protected
Dearest family and friends,
It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my mother, Alicia Valladares. She died on Wednesday, January 20th, as a result of COVID-19 complications. While we were shocked at her tragically passing away, we are glad to know that she did not suffer long from this disease.
My mother was everything to our family. We are all trying to take this one day at a time. My father Alfonso Valladares was left completely devastated over the loss of his wife and best friend of over 40 years. Although he has pulled it together in order to take care of my two siblings that have special care needs and provide for the rest of the family my mother leaves behind. My father knows he can never compensate for the love and care my mother Alicia provided the family with day in and day out for all of them.
We are planning to have a viewing for my mom that will be held in February at the Hillside Memorial Park located at 1540 Alessandro Rd. Redlands, Ca. 92373. We will notify anyone wishing to pay their last respects of the exact time and date once available.
Many of you have already reached out expressing your deepest condolences and asking how you can help my family during this time. We appreciate your thoughtfulness, and we ask for prayers that we may find peace concerning this tragedy. We would also appreciate monetary donations to help pay for funeral expenses.
Our family wishes to expresses our deepest gratitude for the outpouring of love and support we've received.
Querida Familia y Amigos,
Es con gran tristeza que les anuncio el fallecimiento de my madre, Alicia Valladares.Mi madre fallecio el Miercoles 20 de Enero, por resultado de complicaciones de COVID-19. Aunque fuimeos sorprendisos con su repentina muerte, tenemos la paz al saver que su sufrimiento con esta enfermeda fue corto.
Mi queridad madre lo fue todo para nuestra familia, y estamos tomado esta triste perdida un dia a la vez. Mi padre, Alfonso Valladares, esta completamente devastado con la perdida de su querida espoza y mejor amiga de 40 anos. Aunque con mucha fortaleza a cuidado de mis dos hermanos cuales necesitan cuidado especial y completamente provee por la familia entera, mi padre sabe que nunca compensara el amor y cuidado que Alicia les brindo todos los dia de su vida.
Tendremos un visita de velorio para mi madre, que se llevara acabo el mes de Febrero en Hillside Memorial Park located at 1540 Alessandro Rd. Redlands, Ca. 92373
Les notificaremos a qualquier persona que quiera pagar sus ultimos respectos y les proveeremos con los datos necesarios lo mas pronto posible.
Muchos de ustededs nos han dados sus mas sentidos pesames y nos han preguntado como nos puden ayudar a la familia durante este tiempo muy dificil. Agradecemos su consideracion y les pedimos que continuen orando por nuestra familia, a que Dios nos de paz durante esta tragica perdida. Tambien les agradecemos donaciones monetarias para ayudar a pagar los gastos funerarios.
Nuestra familia desea expresar nuestro más profundo agradecimiento por la gran cantidad de amor y apoyo que hemos recibido.
It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my mother, Alicia Valladares. She died on Wednesday, January 20th, as a result of COVID-19 complications. While we were shocked at her tragically passing away, we are glad to know that she did not suffer long from this disease.
My mother was everything to our family. We are all trying to take this one day at a time. My father Alfonso Valladares was left completely devastated over the loss of his wife and best friend of over 40 years. Although he has pulled it together in order to take care of my two siblings that have special care needs and provide for the rest of the family my mother leaves behind. My father knows he can never compensate for the love and care my mother Alicia provided the family with day in and day out for all of them.
We are planning to have a viewing for my mom that will be held in February at the Hillside Memorial Park located at 1540 Alessandro Rd. Redlands, Ca. 92373. We will notify anyone wishing to pay their last respects of the exact time and date once available.
Many of you have already reached out expressing your deepest condolences and asking how you can help my family during this time. We appreciate your thoughtfulness, and we ask for prayers that we may find peace concerning this tragedy. We would also appreciate monetary donations to help pay for funeral expenses.
Our family wishes to expresses our deepest gratitude for the outpouring of love and support we've received.
Querida Familia y Amigos,
Es con gran tristeza que les anuncio el fallecimiento de my madre, Alicia Valladares.Mi madre fallecio el Miercoles 20 de Enero, por resultado de complicaciones de COVID-19. Aunque fuimeos sorprendisos con su repentina muerte, tenemos la paz al saver que su sufrimiento con esta enfermeda fue corto.
Mi queridad madre lo fue todo para nuestra familia, y estamos tomado esta triste perdida un dia a la vez. Mi padre, Alfonso Valladares, esta completamente devastado con la perdida de su querida espoza y mejor amiga de 40 anos. Aunque con mucha fortaleza a cuidado de mis dos hermanos cuales necesitan cuidado especial y completamente provee por la familia entera, mi padre sabe que nunca compensara el amor y cuidado que Alicia les brindo todos los dia de su vida.
Tendremos un visita de velorio para mi madre, que se llevara acabo el mes de Febrero en Hillside Memorial Park located at 1540 Alessandro Rd. Redlands, Ca. 92373
Les notificaremos a qualquier persona que quiera pagar sus ultimos respectos y les proveeremos con los datos necesarios lo mas pronto posible.
Muchos de ustededs nos han dados sus mas sentidos pesames y nos han preguntado como nos puden ayudar a la familia durante este tiempo muy dificil. Agradecemos su consideracion y les pedimos que continuen orando por nuestra familia, a que Dios nos de paz durante esta tragica perdida. Tambien les agradecemos donaciones monetarias para ayudar a pagar los gastos funerarios.
Nuestra familia desea expresar nuestro más profundo agradecimiento por la gran cantidad de amor y apoyo que hemos recibido.
Organizer and beneficiary
Karina Guzman Reynolds
Los Angeles, CA
Alfonso Valladares